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Merchant-Initiated Incremental Transaction with PAN
An incremental authorization is used to increase the total amount
authorized for a payment if the initial authorization does not cover the total cost of
goods and services. An incremental transaction is an additional amount to the original
authorization. The final authorized total includes amounts for both the initial and the
incremental authorizations. Incremental transactions are limited to certain merchant
categories, such as rental, lodging, transit, amusement parks, restaurants, and
To create an incremental transaction
using the
Business Center
, choose one of these options: - Account Top Up
- No Show
Supported Card Types
These are the supported card types for processing credentialed transactions:
- American Express
- Mastercard
- Visa
Set the
field to
.Send the request to
.Required Fields for Processing Merchant-Initiated Incremental Transactions
Use these required fields to process merchant-initiated incremental transactions.
- Required only for token transactions with Discover or Diners Club. Set this field to theccAuthReply_cardReferenceDatafield that was in the response message when you obtained the customer's credentials.
- Set the value totrue.
- merchantId
- Required only for token transactions with Discover or Diners Club. Set this field to theccAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionIDfield that was in the response message when you obtained the customer's credentials.
- Set the value to5.
- Required only for Discover and Visa.
- Set the value totrue.
Simple Order Example: Processing Merchant-Initiated Incremental Transactions
billTo_street1=201 S. Division St. billTo_city=Foster City billTo_country=US billTo_state=CA billTo_postalCode=94404 purchaseTotals_currency=USD card_expirationMonth=12 card_expirationYear=2031 card_accountNumber=4111111111111111billTo_email=null@cybersource.combillTo_firstName=John billTo_lastName=Smith purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount=100.00 ccIncrementalAuthService_run=true merchantID=pa_ctv_sg101 merchantReferenceCode=33557799 subsequentAuth=Y subsequentAuthTransactionID=016153570198200 ccIncrementalAuthService_authRequestID=6541079409780593413176
Response to a Successful Request
additional_processor_response=e1cdcafc-cdbb-4ef7-8788-a1234e844805 request_id=6461515866500167772420 decision=ACCEPT reasonCode=100 merchantReferenceCode=Merchant_REF purchaseTotals_currency=mxn cardCategory=FccAuthService_reconciliationID=ZUDCXJO8KZRFXQJJ ccAuthReply_amount=100.00 ccAuthReply_avsCode=5 ccAuthReply_authorizationCode=570110 ccAuthReply_processorResponse=1 ccAuthReply_authorizedDateTime=2022-03-01T161947Z ccAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID=111222