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Merchant Financial Institutions (Acquirers)
A merchant financial institution, also known as an
, offers accounts to
businesses that accept payment cards. Before you can accept payments, you must have a merchant
account from an acquirer. Your merchant account must be configured to process
card-not-present, card-present, or mail-order/telephone-order (MOTO) transactions.Each acquirer has connections to a limited number of payment processors. You
must choose a payment processor that your acquirer supports.
You can expect your acquirer to charge these fees:
- Discount rates: your acquirer charges a fee and collects a percentage of every transaction. The combination of the fee and the percentage is called thediscount rate. These charges can bebundled(combined into a single charge) orunbundled(charged separately).
- Interchange fees: payment networks, such as Visa or Mastercard, each have a base fee, called theinterchange fee, for each type of transaction. Your acquirer and processor can show you ways to reduce this fee.
- Chargebacks: when cardholders dispute charges, you can incurchargebacks. A chargeback occurs when a charge on a customer’s account is reversed. Your acquirer removes the money from your account and could charge you a fee for processing the chargeback.
Take these precautions to prevent chargebacks:
- Use accurate merchant descriptors so that customers can recognize the transactions on their statements.
- Provide good customer support.
- Ensure rapid problem resolution.
- Maintain a high level of customer satisfaction.
- Minimize fraudulent transactions.
If excessive chargebacks or fraudulant changes occur, these actions might be taken:
- You might be required to change your business processes to reduce the number chargebacks, fraud, or both.
- Your acquiring institution might increase your discount rate.
- Your acquiring institution might revoke your merchant account.
Contact your sales representative for information about products that can help prevent