On This Page
Authorizations with Payment Network Tokens
This section shows you how to successfully process an authorization with payment network
Due to mandates from the Reserve Bank of India, Indian merchants cannot
store personal account numbers (PAN). Use network tokens instead. For more information
on network tokens, see Network Tokenization in
the .
Token Management Service
Developer GuideEndpoint
Set the
field to
.Send the request to
.Required Fields for Authorizations with Payment Network Tokens
Use these required fields for processing an authorization with payment network tokens.
When relaxed requirements for address data and the expiration date are being used, not all fields
in this list are required. It is your responsibility to determine whether your
account is enabled to use this feature and which fields are required. For details
about relaxed requirements, see Relaxed Requirements for Address Data and Expiration Date in Payment Transactions.
- billTo.email
- billTo.firstName
- billTo.lastName
- billTo.street1
- ccAuthService.networkTokenCryptogram
- paymentNetworkToken.transactionType
- purchaseTotals.currency
- purchaseTotals.grandTotalAmount
- token.expirationMonth
- token.expirationYear
Related Information
Optional Fields for Authorizations with Payment Network Tokens
- billTo.city
- billTo.country
- billTo.email
- billTo.firstName
- billTo.lastName
- billTo.postalCode
- Required only for transactions in the U.S. and Canada.
- billTo.state
- Required only for transactions in the U.S. and Canada.
- billTo.street1
- card.accountNumber
- Set to the token value that you received from the token service provider.
- card.cardType
- It is strongly recommended that you send the card type even if it is optional for your processor. Omitting the card type can cause the transaction to be processed with the wrong card type.
- card.expirationMonth
- Set to the token expiration month that you received from the token service provider.
- card.expirationYear
- Set to the token expiration year that you received from the token service provider.
- ccAuthService.cavv
- For 3-D Secure in-app transactions for Visa and JCB, set to the 3-D Secure cryptogram. Otherwise, set to the network token cryptogram.
- ccAuthService.commerceIndicator
- ccAuthService.networkTokenCryptogram
- ccAuthService.run
- Set the value totrue.
- merchantID
- merchantReferenceCode
- purchaseTotals.currency
- purchaseTotals.grandTotalAmount or item_#.unitPrice
- paymentNetworkToken.transactionType
- paymentNetworkToken.requestorID
- Required onVisa Platform Connect
- ucaf.authenticationData
- For Mastercard requests, set this field to the Identity Check cryptogram.
- ucaf.collectionIndicator
- For Mastercard requests, set the value to2.
Related Information
Simple Order API Example: Authorizations with Payment Network Tokens
<requestMessage> <purchaseTotals> <currency>USD</currency> <grandTotalAmount>16.00</grandTotalAmount> </purchaseTotals> <card> <accountNumber>4111111111111111</accountNumber> <expirationMonth>12</expirationMonth> <expirationYear>2031</expirationYear> </card> <ccAuthService run="true"> <networkTokenCryptogram>qE5juRwDzAUFBAkEHuWW9PiBkWv=</networkTokenCryptogram> </ccAuthService> <paymentNetworkToken> <transactionType>1</transactionType> </paymentNetworkToken> </requestMessage>
Successful Response
<soap:Body> <c:replyMessage> <c:merchantReferenceCode>Postman-1684858432</c:merchantReferenceCode> <c:requestID>6848584316126969103007</c:requestID> <c:decision>ACCEPT</c:decision> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:purchaseTotals> <c:currency>USD</c:currency> </c:purchaseTotals> <c:ccAuthReply> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:amount>16.00</c:amount> <c:authorizationCode>888888</c:authorizationCode> <c:avsCode>X</c:avsCode> <c:avsCodeRaw>I1</c:avsCodeRaw> <c:authorizedDateTime>2023-05-23T16:13:51Z</c:authorizedDateTime> <c:processorResponse>100</c:processorResponse> <c:reconciliationID>78849228NHPFQCKD</c:reconciliationID> <c:paymentNetworkTransactionID>123456789619999</c:paymentNetworkTransactionID> </c:ccAuthReply> <c:card> <c:cardType>001</c:cardType> </c:card> </c:replyMessage> </soap:Body>