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Final Authorization Indicator
The purpose of this feature is to ensure that unused funds are reversed, so that
customer’s funds are available again when an order is not fulfilled.
For an authorization with an amount greater than zero, indicate whether the authorization
is a final authorization, a pre-authorization, or an undefined authorization.
You can set a default authorization type in your account. To set the default
authorization type in your account, contact customer support.
Chargeback protection is in effect for seven days after the authorization.
Supported Services
- Authorization
- Incremental authorization
Supported Card Types
- Co-badged Mastercard and mada. You must identify the card type as Mastercard. Supported only onVisa Platform Connect.
- Maestro (International)
- Maestro (UK Domestic)
- Mastercard
Requirements for Final Authorizations
For a final authorization:
- The authorization amount must be greater than zero.
- The authorization amount must be the final amount that the customer agrees to pay.
- The authorization should not be cancelled after it is approved except when a system failure occurs.
- The authorization must be submitted for capture within seven calendar days of its request.
- The capture amount and currency must be the same as the authorization amount and currency.
A pre-authorization enables you to authorize a payment when the final amount is
unknown. It is typically used for lodging, auto rental, e-commerce, and restaurant
For a pre-authorization:
- The authorization amount must be greater than zero.
- The authorization must be submitted for capture within 30 calendar days of its request.
- When you do not capture the authorization, you must reverse it.In the U.S., Canada, Latin America, and Asia Pacific, Mastercard charges an additional fee for a pre-authorization that is not captured and not reversed.In Europe, Russia, Middle East, and Africa, Mastercard charges fees for all pre-authorizations.
- Chargeback protection is in effect for 30 days after the authorization.
Unmarked Authorizations
An authorization is unmarked when the default authorization type is not set in your
account and you do not include the
field in the
authorization request. To set the default authorization type in your account, contact
customer support.Unmarked authorizations are supported only in the US, Canada, Latin America, and Asia
Pacific. They are not supported in Europe, Russia, Middle East, and Africa.
does not set a mark or indicator for the type of authorization in the request
that is sent to the processor.Your acquirer processes an unmarked authorization as a final
authorization, a preauthorization, or an undefined authorization. Contact your acquirer
to learn how they process unmarked authorizations.
Requirements for Unmarked Authorizations
For an unmarked authorization:
- The authorization amount must be greater than zero.
- The authorization amount can be different from the final transaction amount.
Undefined Authorizations
An authorization is undefined when you set the default authorization type in your account
to undefined and do not include the
field in the
authorization request. To set the default authorization type in your account, contact
customer support.Undefined authorizations are supported only in the U.S., Canada, Latin America, and Asia Pacific.
They are not supported in Europe, Russia, Middle East, and Africa.
Chargeback protection is in effect for seven days after the authorization.
Requirements for Undefined Authorizations
For an undefined authorization:
- The authorization amount must be greater than zero.
- The authorization amount can be different from the final transaction amount.
- The authorization should not be cancelled after it is approved except when a system failure occurs.
- The authorization must be submitted for capture within seven calendar days of its request.
- When you do not capture the authorization, you must reverse it; otherwise, Mastercard charges an additional fee for the transaction.
Required Fields for Final Authorizations
Use these required fields for final authorizations and preauthorizations.
When relaxed requirements for address data and the expiration date are being used, not all fields
in this list are required. It is your responsibility to determine whether your
account is enabled to use this feature and which fields are required. For details
about relaxed requirements, see Relaxed Requirements for Address Data and Expiration Date in Payment Transactions.
- authIndicator
- Set the value to0for preauthorizations, or to1for final authorizations. Do not include this field for unmarked or undefined authorizations.
- billTo_city
- billTo_country
- billTo_email
- billTo_firstName
- billTo_lastName
- billTo_postalCode
- billTo_state
- billTo_street1
- card_accountNumber
- card_expirationMonth
- card_expirationYear
- ccAuthService_run
- Set the value totrue.
- merchantID
- merchantReferenceCode
- purchaseTotals_currency
- purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount
Simple Order Example: Final Authorizations
<requestMessage xmlns="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.{{WSDLVersion}}"> <merchantID>testrest</merchantID> <billTo> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Doe</lastName> <street1>1295 Charleston Road</street1> <city>Mountain View</city> <state>CA</state> <postalCode>94043</postalCode> <country>US</country> <email>test@cybs.com</email> </billTo> <purchaseTotals> <currency>USD</currency> <grandTotalAmount>1.02</grandTotalAmount> </purchaseTotals> <card> <accountNumber>4111111111111111</accountNumber> <expirationMonth>12</expirationMonth> <expirationYear>2023</expirationYear> <cardType>001</cardType> </card> <ccAuthService run="true"/> <authIndicator>1</authIndicator> </requestMessage>
Response to a Successful Request
<c:replyMessage xmlns:c="urn:schemas-cybersource-com:transaction-data-1.142"> <c:merchantReferenceCode>Postman-1691009216</c:merchantReferenceCode> <c:requestID>6910092160816328603011</c:requestID> <c:decision>ACCEPT</c:decision> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:purchaseTotals> <c:currency>USD</c:currency> </c:purchaseTotals> <c:ccAuthReply> <c:reasonCode>100</c:reasonCode> <c:amount>1.02</c:amount> <c:authorizationCode>888888</c:authorizationCode> <c:avsCode>X</c:avsCode> <c:avsCodeRaw>I1</c:avsCodeRaw> <c:authorizedDateTime>2023-08-02T20:46:56Z</c:authorizedDateTime> <c:processorResponse>100</c:processorResponse> <c:reconciliationID>78194788VKQUQO9Q</c:reconciliationID> <c:paymentNetworkTransactionID>123456789619999</c:paymentNetworkTransactionID> </c:ccAuthReply> <c:card> <c:cardType>001</c:cardType> </c:card> <c:pos> <c:terminalID>111111</c:terminalID> </c:pos> </c:replyMessage>