Payer Authentication

Payer authentication is run before a transaction is submitted for authorization. Most of the time payer authentication is bundled with authorization so that after payer authentication happens, the transaction is automatically submitted for authorization. Payer authentication and authorization can be configured to occur as separate operations. This section shows you how to run payer authentication as a separate process and pass the payer authentication data when seeking authorization for a transaction.
Payer authentication consists of a two-step verification process that adds an extra layer of fraud protection during the payment process. During transactions, the transaction device, location, past purchasing habits, and other factors are analyzed for indications of fraud. This process collects customer data during the transaction from at least two of these three categories:
  • Something you have
    : A payment card or a payment card number
  • Something you know
    : A password or pin
  • Something you are
    : Facial recognition or fingerprint
Each of these payment card companies has its own payer authentication product:
  • American Express
    : SafeKey
  • Discover
    : ProtectBuy
  • JCB
    : J/Secure
  • Mastercard
    : Identity Check
  • Visa
    : Visa Secure
Payer authentication can be used to satisfy the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirement of the Payment Services Directive (PSD2). SCA applies to the European Economic Area (EEA) and the United Kingdom. SCA requires banks to perform additional checks when customers make payments to confirm their identity.

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