Mastercard Initial CIT Standing Order Payment

The first transaction in a standing order payment is a customer-initiated transaction (CIT). Before you can perform a subsequent merchant-initiated transaction (MIT), you must store the customer's credentials for later use. Before you can store the user's credentials, you must get the customer's consent to store their private information. This process is also known as establishing a relationship with the customer.


Set the
field to
Send the request to

Successful Response

You must store the
network transaction ID
from the successful response message to include in subsequent MIT authorization requests in order to associate the CIT to the MIT. The network transaction ID is the
field value.
Store the
network transaction ID
, which is the
field value, from the successful response message. You must include the network transaction ID in subsequent MIT authorization requests in order to associate the CIT to the MIT.

Simple Order Example: Authorizing Initial CIT Standing Order Payments

billTo_city=Foster City billTo_country=US
billTo_firstname=John billTo_lastname=Smith billTo_state=CA billTo_postalCode=94404 billTo_street1=201 S. Division St. card_expirationMonth=12 card_expirationYear=2031 card_accountNumber=4111111111111111 ccAuthService_run=true ccAuthService_commerceIndicator=internet merchantId=pa_ctv_sg101 merchantReferenceCode=33557799 purchaseTotals_currency=USD purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount=100.00 subsequentAuthFirst=True subsequentAuthReason=8
Response to a Successful Request
additional_processor_response=e1cdcafc-cdbb-4ef7-8788-a1234e844805 request_id=6461515866500167772420 decision=ACCEPT reasonCode=100 merchantReferenceCode=Merchant_REF purchaseTotals_currency=mxn cardCategory=FccAuthService_reconciliationID=ZUDCXJO8KZRFXQJJ ccAuthReply_amount=100.00 ccAuthReply_avsCode=5 ccAuthReply_authorizationCode=570110 ccAuthReply_processorResponse=1 ccAuthReply_authorizedDateTime=2022-03-01T161947Z ccAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID=111222