No-Show Transactions

A no-show authorization occurs when a merchant charges a customer after the customer makes a reservation, and does not show up to claim the reservation. In this situation, the customer is charged an agreed upon fee for not showing up as expected.
This section describes how to process a merchant-initiated no-show transaction using these payment types:

Merchant-Initiated No-Show Transactions with PAN

A no-show authorization occurs when a merchant charges a customer after the customer makes a reservation, and does not show up to claim the reservation. In this situation, the customer is charged an agreed upon fee for not showing up as expected.

Supported Card Types

These are the supported card types for processing credentialed transactions:
  • American Express
  • Mastercard
  • Visa


Set the
field to
Send the request to

Required Fields for Processing Merchant-Initiated No-Show Charges

Use these required fields to process a merchant-initiated no-show charges transaction.
Required only for token transactions with Discover or Diners Club. Set this field to the
field that was in the response message when you obtained the customer's credentials.
Set to
Required only for token transactions with Discover or Diners Club. Set this field to the
field that was in the response message when you obtained the customer's credentials.
Set to
Required only for Discover, Mastercard, and Visa.
Set to
  • American Express: set to the transaction ID from the original transaction.
  • Discover: set to the transaction ID from the original transaction.
  • Visa: set to the last successful transaction ID.

Optional Field for Processing Merchant-Initiated No-Show Charges

You can use these optional fields to include additional information when authorizing a request for an MIT no-show charge:
If the payment information is COF information, Set to

Simple Order Example: Processing Merchant-Initiated No-Show Transactions

billTo_city=Foster City billTo_country=US
billTo_firstname=John billTo_lastname=Smith billTo_state=CA billTo_postalCode=94404 billTo_street1=201 S. Division St. card_expirationMonth=12 card_expirationYear=2031 card_accountNumber=4111111111111111 ccAuthService_run=true ccAuthService_commerceIndicator=install merchantId=pa_ctv_sg101 merchantReferenceCode=33557799 purchaseTotals_currency=USD purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount=100.00 subsequentAuth=true subsequentAuthReason=4
Response to a Successful Request
additional_processor_response=e1cdcafc-cdbb-4ef7-8788-a1234e844805 request_id=6461515866500167772420 decision=ACCEPT reasonCode=100 merchantReferenceCode=Merchant_REF purchaseTotals_currency=mxn cardCategory=FccAuthService_reconciliationID=ZUDCXJO8KZRFXQJJ ccAuthReply_amount=100.00 ccAuthReply_avsCode=5 ccAuthReply_authorizationCode=570110 ccAuthReply_processorResponse=1 ccAuthReply_authorizedDateTime=2022-03-01T161947Z ccAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID=111222