- Combining the Authentication and the Authorization Services
- Implementing SDK Payer Authentication
- Testing Payer Authentication
- Payer Authentication Use Cases
On This Page
Simple Order API
Simple Order Example: Validating the Challenge When Using
Google Pay
This is an example of an Payer Authentication Validate request and response when using
Google Pay as the digital payment option. The data in this example is for illustrative
purposes only.
billTo_city=Mountain View billTo_country=US billTo_email=null@email.com billTo_firstName=John billTo_lastName=Doe billTo_postalCode=94043 billTo_state=CA billTo_street1=1295 Charleston Road card_accountNumber=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX card_cardType=001 card_cvNumber=111 card_expirationMonth=12 card_expirationYear=2030 ccAuthService_run=true merchantID=patest merchantReferenceCode=0001 payerAuthValidateService_authenticationTransactionID=TD5oS0o1FC65qav0xsx0 payerAuthValidateService_run=true purchaseTotals_currency=USD purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount=30.00