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Testing Process
Use the card number specified in the test with the card’s expiration date set to the
month of December and the current year plus three. For example, for 2024, use 2027. You
also need the minimum required fields for an order.
Enrollment Check Response Fields
This table lists the checking enrollment response fields used in the test cases.
Name Used in Test Cases | API Field |
ACS URL | payerAuthEnrollReply_acsURL |
E-commerce indicator | payerAuthEnrollReply_commerceIndicator |
ECI | payerAuthEnrollReply_eci |
PAReq | payerAuthEnrollReply_paReq |
proofXML | payerAuthEnrollReply_proofXML |
Reason code | payerAuthEnrollReply_reasonCode |
VERes enrolled | payerAuthEnrollReply_veresEnrolled |
XID | payerAuthEnrollReply_xid |
Authentication Validation Response Fields
This table lists only the response fields used in the test cases.
Name Used in Test Cases | API Field |
Authentication result | payerAuthValidateReply_authenticationR
esult |
E-commerce indicator | payerAuthValidateReply_commerceIndicator |
AAV (Mastercard only) | payerAuthValidateReply_ucafAuthenticationData |
CAVV (all card types
except Mastercard) | payerAuthValidateReply_cavv |
Collection indicator | payerAuthValidateReply_ucafCollectionIndi
cator |
ECI | payerAuthValidateReply_eci |
PARes status | payerAuthValidateReply_authenticationSt
atusMessage |
code | payerAuthValidateReply_reasonCode |
XID | payerAuthValidateReply_xid |