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Request Fields
field is mapped from the payerAuthSetupReply_referenceID
field as discussed in Step 1: Setup Service.The
value is set to the URL to which the issuing bank redirects
the customer as discussed in Step 4: Step-Up Iframe.To request the Check Enrollment service, you must send the encrypted payment data or a
token or some other equivalent of card data used by your integration. The request fields
can include any of these:
- card_accountNumber
- encryptedPayment_data
- encryptedPayment_descriptor
- recurringSubscriptionInfo_subscriptionID
- tokenSource_transientToken
These fields are required (merchant ID is in the header):
- billTo_country
- billTo_email
- billTo_firstName
- billTo_lastName
- billTo_postalCode
- billTo_state
- billTo_street1
- card_cardType
- card_expirationMonth
- card_expirationYear
- merchantID
- payerAuthEnrollService_referenceID
- payerAuthEnrollService_returnURL
- purchaseTotals_currency
- purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount
You can send additional request data to reduce your issuer step-up authentication rates.
Send all available fields. As a backup, if device data collection fails, include the 11
device information fields listed among the optional fields for the Check Enrollment
service in your request. If a failure does occur, adding these device information fields
ensures a transaction is not downgraded. If you do not have data for a field, do not
send dummy data.
The size of the step-up iframe discussed in Step 4: Step-Up Iframe can vary depending on the EMV 3-D Secure version of the transaction. You can request
the size of the challenge window in the
request field. Requesting a specific window size does not guarantee this size. Parsing the PAReq as
described in Step 4: Step-Up Iframe determines the actual
For further details on individual API fields, refer to the . The field values should
use the ISO 3166-2 format.