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Setting Up Device Data Collection
Running the Setup service identifies the customer's bank and prepares for collecting data
about the device that the customer is using to place the order.
Card-Specific Requirements
Some payment cards require specific information to be collected during a
- This field is required when the card type is Cartes Bancaires, JCB, UnionPay International, or Meeza.
Country-Specific Requirements
These fields are required for transactions in specific countries.
- This field is required for transactions in the US, Canada, and Mainland China.
- This field is required when thebillTo_countryfield value isUSorCA.
- For Meeza transactions, this value must be set toEGif Egypt was not set as the country in the merchant configuration during merchant onboarding.
- For Meeza transactions, this value must be set toEGif Egypt was not set as the country in the merchant configuration during merchant onboarding.
Set the
field to
.Send the request to:
Required Fields for Device Data Collection
These fields are the minimum fields required when you request the Payer Authentication Setup
service. Other fields that can be used to collect additional information during a
transaction are listed in the optional fields section. Under certain circumstances,
a field that normally is optional might be required. The circumstance that makes an
optional field required is noted.
Required Fields
- This field is required when thebillTo_countryfield value isUSorCA.
- This field is required for the US and Canada.
- This field is required when the card type is Cartes Bancaires, JCB, UPI, or Meeza.
- This field is required whencard_accountNumberis included.
- This field is required whencard_accountNumberis included.
- For Meeza transactions, this value must be set toEGwhen Egypt is not set as the country in the merchant configuration during merchant onboarding.
- For Meeza transactions, this value must be set toEGwhen Egypt is not set as the country in the merchant configuration during merchant onboarding.
- payerAuthSetupService_run
Optional Fields for Device Data Collection
These fields are optional for setting up a Payer Authentication transaction. Under
certain circumstances, a field might appear as both an optional field and a required
- This field is required whencard_accountNumberis included.
- This field is required whencard_accountNumberis included.
Simple Order Example: Setting Up Device Data
card_accountNumber=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX card_expirationMonth=12 card_expirationYear=2030 merchantID=patest merchantReferenceCode=0001 payerAuthSetupService_run=true
Response to Successful Request
decision=ACCEPT merchantReferenceCode=0001 payerAuththSetupReply_deviceDataCollectionURL=https://centinelapistag.cardinalcommerce.com/V1 /Cruise/Collect payerAuthSetupReply_reasonCode=100 payerAuthSetupReply_referenceID=f13fe5e0-9b47-4ea1-a03a-ec360f4d0f9f payerAuthSetupReply_accessToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI1MDc4OTI0Mi0z YmEzLTRhZTItYWQwOS1kZjZkODk2NWQ5MjciLCJpYXQiOjE1OTgyOTk1MjQsImlzcyI6IjVkZDgzYmYwMGU0MjNkMTQ 5OGRjYmFjYSIsImV4cCI6MTU5ODMwMzEyNCwiT3JnVW5pdElkIjoiNTVlZjNmMTBmNzIzYWE0MzFjOTliNWViIiwiUGF 5bG9hZCI6eyJBQ1NVcmwiOiJodHRwczovLzBtZXJjaGFudGFjc3N0YWcuY2FyZGluYWxjb21tZXJjZS5jb20vTWVyY2 hhbnRBQ1NXZWIvY3JlcS5qc3AiLCJQYXlsb2FkIjoiZXlKdFpYTnpZV2RsVkhsd1pTSTZJa05TWlhFaUxDSnRaWE56W VdkbFZtVnljMmx2YmlJNklqSXVNaTR3SWl3aWRHaHlaV1ZFVTFObGNuWmxjbFJ5WVc1elNVUWlPaUkzTkRNeVlUWXdN QzA0TXpNMkxUUm1PRGN0WVdKbE9TMDJObVkzTkRFM01EaGhNV1FpTENKaFkzTlVjbUZ1YzBsRUlqb2lPR0U1TkRkaU9E TXRNRFJpTkMwMFltVmlMV0V5WWpNdFpHTmpNV0UxWmprMFlURXlJaXdpWTJoaGJHeGxibWRsVjJsdVpHOTNVMmw 2WlNJNklqQXlJbjAiLCJUcmFuc2FjdGlvbklkIjoiVEQ1b1MwbzFGQzY1cWF2MHhzeDAifSwiT2JqZWN0aWZ5UGF5bG9h ZCI6dHJ1ZSwiUmV0dXJuVXJsIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9zdGVwLXVwLXJldHVybi11cmwuanNwIn0.8w Z8XhLgOIIRvgEUugvYrRAi-efavZTNM0tWInYLTfE payerAuthSetupReply_reasonCode=100 requestID=5982993692286989203011 requestToken=AxjzbwSTRFa3h+A4wXZDABEBURwlqraRpAy7gDthk0kyro9JLIYA8AAA2wK2