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Simple Order API
Use Case: Validating and Authorizing a Transaction
The Validation service can be combined with the Authorization service so that when a
customer's authentication is validated, the transaction is automatically submitted for
Fields Specific to the Visa Secure Use Case
These API fields are required specifically for this use case.
- Set this field tovbvfor a successful authentication (EMV 3-D Secure value of05),vbv_attemptedif authentication was attempted but did not succeed (EMV 3-D Secure value of06), orvbv_failureif authentication failed (EMV 3-D Secure value of07).
- This field is required when payer authentication is successful.
Card-Specific Requirements
Some payment cards require information to be collected during a transaction.
- This field is recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
- This field is required when the card type is Cartes Bancaires.
- This field is required for American Express SafeKey (US) when the product code isAIRfor an airline purchase.
- This field is required for Visa Secure travel.
- This field is required only for American Express SafeKey (US).
- This field is required only for American Express SafeKey (US)
Country-Specific Requirements
These fields are required for transactions in specific countries.
- This field is required for transactions processed in France.
- This field is required for transactions in the US, Canada, and Mainland China.
- This field is required when thebillTo_countryfield value isUSorCA.
- This field is required for transactions in the US, Canada, and Mainland China.
Set the
and ccAuthService_run
fields to true
.Send the request to