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Class: MicroformError
This class defines how error scenarios are presented by Microform, primarily as the first
argument to callbacks. See callback(erropt, nullable, dataopt,
nullable) > {void}.
(static, readonly)
Reason Codes - Field Load ErrorsPossible errors that can occur during the loading or unloading of a field.
Name | Type | Description |
FIELD_UNLOAD_ERROR | string | Occurs when you attempt to unload a field
that is not currently loaded. |
FIELD_ALREADY_LOADED | string | Occurs when you attempt to load a field
which is already loaded. |
FIELD_LOAD_CONTAINER_SELECTOR | string | Occurs when a DOM element cannot be
located using the supplied CSS Selector string. |
FIELD_LOAD_INVALID_CONTAINER | string | Occurs when an invalid container
parameter has been supplied. |
FIELD_SUBSCRIBE_UNSUPPORTED_EVENT | string | Occurs when you attempt to subscribe to
an unsupported event type. |
FIELD_SUBSCRIBE_INVALID_CALLBACK | string | Occurs when you supply a callback that is
not a function. |
(static, readonly)
Reason Codes - Field object CreationPossible errors that can occur during the creation of a Field object createField(fieldType, optionsopt) > {Field}.
Name | Type | Description |
CREATE_FIELD_INVALID_FIELD_TYPE | string | Occurs when you try to create a field
with an unsupported type. |
CREATE_FIELD_DUPLICATE | string | Occurs when a field of the given type has
already been added to your integration. |
(static, readonly)
Reason Codes - Flex object CreationPossible errors that can occur during the creation of a Flex object.
Name | Type | Description |
CAPTURE_CONTEXT_INVALID | string | Occurs when you pass an invalid
JWT. |
CAPTURE_CONTEXT_EXPIRED | string | Occurs when the JWT you pass has
expired. |
(static, readonly)
Reason Codes - Iframe validation errorsPossible errors that can occur during the loading of an iframe.
Name | Type | Description |
IFRAME_JWT_VALIDATION_FAILED | string | Occurs when the iframe cannot validate
the JWT passed. |
IFRAME_UNSUPPORTED_FIELD_TYPE | string | Occurs when the iframe is attempting to
load with an invalid field type. |
(static, readonly)
Reason Codes - Token creationPossible errors that can occur during the request to create a token.
Name | Type | Description |
CREATE_TOKEN_NO_FIELDS_LOADED | string | Occurs when you try to request a token,
but no fields have been loaded. |
CREATE_TOKEN_TIMEOUT | string | Occurs when
the createToken call was unable to proceed
CREATE_TOKEN_XHR_ERROR | string | Occurs when there is a network error when
attempting to create a token. Resend the capture context request and reload
Microform. |
CREATE_TOKEN_NO_FIELDS | string | Occurs when the data fields are
unavailable for collection. |
CREATE_TOKEN_VALIDATION_PARAMS | string | Occurs when there's an issue with
parameters supplied to createToken . |
CREATE_TOKEN_VALIDATION_FIELDS | string | Occurs when there's a validation issue
with data in your loaded fields. Instruct the customer to enter valid
data. |
CREATE_TOKEN_VALIDATION_SERVERSIDE | string | Occurs when server-side validation
rejects the createToken request. |
CREATE_TOKEN_UNABLE_TO_START | string | Occurs when no loaded field was able to
handle the createToken request. |
(nullable)correlationID :string
The correlationId of any underlying API call that resulted in this error.
(nullable)details :array
Additional error specific information.
(nullable)informationLink :string
A URL link to general online documentation for this error.
message :string
A simple human-readable description of the error that has occurred.
reason :string
A reason corresponding to the specific error that has occurred.