Order Status

Order status is triggered and updated when transactions are processed. The plugin supports custom and default statuses for orders.
Custom order statuses:
  • Awaiting payment
  • Awaiting cancel
  • Cancel rejected
  • Cancelled, refund initiated
  • Payment pending for review
  • Partial payment accepted
  • Partial payment cancelled
  • Payment cancelled
  • Partial refunded (before shipped)
  • Partial refunded (after shipped)
  • Partial refund cancelled (before shipped)
  • Partial refund cancelled (after shipped)
  • Payment error
  • Refund cancel error
  • Payment cancel error
  • Refund error
  • Refund cancelled
  • Order cancelled by merchant
Default order statuses:
  • Payment accepted
  • Cancelled
  • Shipped
  • Delivered
  • Refunded
Only the shipped and delivered statuses can be manually updated.