Configuring and Testing Email

Follow these steps to configure the email that customers receive during order management.
  1. Open PrestaShop Back Office and select
    Advance Parameters > Email
    from the Dashboard. The email page appears.
  2. Select these options from the Email section of the page to configure how email is sent:
    • Send emails to: Customer service
    • Set my own SMTP parameters (for advanced users ONLY)
    • Both HTML and text formats
    • Yes for log emails
  3. Select and specify this information for your SMTP parameters:
    • Mail domain name: do not enter information (leave this field empty)
    • SMTP server: enter the server domain. For example,
    • SMTP username: enter the email address from which emails are sent. For example,
    • SMTP password: enter the password for the email address provided above.
    • Encryption: select TLS
    • Port: enter 587
  4. Click
    to save the configuration.
  5. Test your email configuration by entering an email address to which you want to send the test message, and click
    Send a test email