Obtain a Partner Solution ID

A Partner Solution ID is a short code that is supplied in a transaction request. This code allows Visa to identify a transaction as being supplied via your software. A mandatory requirement for any partner, the Partner Solution ID will allow for improved reporting, servicing, and troubleshooting. You must be assigned a unique Partner Solution ID specific to your integration with the platform.
To initiate this process, the above Sandbox Account sign up process will trigger an alert to our teams to generate and supply you with this ID, soon after account creation.
Visa Acceptance Platform and Cybersource use Partner Solution ID to track technology partner transaction volume by linking merchant transactions to your solution. The below provides instructions for integrating and validating your assigned Partner Solution ID.
  1. Include your Partner Solution ID with every API call made by your integration in both Test and Production.
  2. Self-validate that your Partner Solution ID has been properly sent.
{ "clientReferenceInformation" : { "code" " : "clientCode", "partner" : { "solutionId" : "888888888" } } }