Enable Tokenization

This section describes the required and optional configuration settings for Tokenization for the plugin.
To enable Tokenization follow these steps:
  1. In OpenCart Back office, navigate to
    Extensions > Extensions > Payments > Cybersource
 Credit Card.
  2. Click the Edit icon to edit the settings.
  3. In the Edit Cybersource pane, select from the dropdown or specify in the text box the configuration setting option you want to set.
  4. Click the Save icon to save the setting.
  5. Repeat for each required setting and each optional setting you want to set.

Required Settings

The following settings are required:The following setting is also required for enabling Tokenization for the plugin:
Setting allows customers to save cards for future use while making a card payment.

Optional Settings

The following settings are optional for enabling Tokenization for the plugin:
Limit Saved Card Rate
With this setting enabled, a limit is set to save only a specified number of cards in the My Account section in Front Office. There are two settings:
Saved Card Limit Count
: Number of cards that can be saved in a certain period of time.
Saved Card Limit Time Frame
: Number of hours that saved card attempts are counted.
Enforce SCA for Saving Card
If enabled, card holders are 3DS challenged when saving a card.