
This section might help you resolve specific issues that can occur during the installation and upgrade processes for the plugin.

Issue: PrestaShop Language Pack Installation Error

You get a
1: Cannot download language pack "en"
error message when installing the Plugin.
To resolve this issue, complete these steps:
  1. Locate and open the
    Tools.php file
    , which resides in
    htdocs/PrestaShop root/Classes
    directory on your system.
  2. Search for and select this string in the Tools.php file:
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
  3. Replace the selected string with this string:
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
  4. Save the file and reload your browser page.

Issue: Debug Mode is Enabled in Production

When debug mode is enabled in the production instance, you need to disable it.
  1. Open PrestaShop Back Office and select
    Configure > Advanced Parameters
    from the Dashboard. The Advanced Parameters page appears.
  2. Select
    from the Advanced Parameters page.
  3. Set Debug mode to

Issue: User Interface Appears Incorrectly After a Plugin Upgrade

After upgrading the Plugin, if the user interface looks incorrect, you need to clear the cache.
  1. Open PrestaShop Back Office and select
    Configure > Advanced Parameters
    from the Dashboard. The Advanced Parameters page appears.
  2. From the Advanced Parameters page, click
  3. Click
    Clear Cache