Getting Started Examples

Example: Node.js REST Code Snippet
try { var instance = new
.KeyGenerationApi(configObj); var request = new
.GeneratePublicKeyRequest(); request.encryptionType = 'RsaOaep256'; request.targetOrigin = 'http://localhost:3000'; var opts = []; opts['format'] = 'JWT'; console.log('\n*************** Generate Key ********************* '); instance.generatePublicKey(request, opts, function (error, data, response) { if (error) { console.log('Error : ' + error); console.log('Error status code : ' + error.statusCode); } else if (data) { console.log('Data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); console.log('CaptureContext: '+data.keyId); res.render('index', { keyInfo: JSON.stringify(data.keyId)}); } console.log('Response : ' + JSON.stringify(response)); console.log('Response Code Of GenerateKey : ' + response['status']); callback(error, data); }); } catch (error) { console.log(error); }
Example: Checkout Payment Form
This simple payment form captures the name, PAN, CVN, month, and year, and a pay button for submitting the information.
<h1>Checkout</h1> <div id="errors-output" role="alert"></div> <form action="/token" id="my-sample-form" method="post"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="cardholderName">Name</label> <input id="cardholderName" class="form-control" name="cardholderName" placeholder="Name on the card"> <label id="cardNumber-label">Card Number</label> <div id="number-container" class="form-control"></div> <label for="securityCode-container">Security Code</label> <div id="securityCode-container" class="form-control"></div> </div> <div class="form-row"> <div class="form-group col-md-6"> <label for="expMonth">Expiry month</label> <select id="expMonth" class="form-control"> <option>01</option> <option>02</option> <option>03</option> <option>04</option> <option>05</option> <option>06</option> <option>07</option> <option>08</option> <option>09</option> <option>10</option> <option>11</option> <option>12</option> </select> </div> <div class="form-group col-md-6"> <label for="expYear">Expiry year</label> <select id="expYear" class="form-control"> <option>2021</option> <option>2022</option> <option>2023</option> </select> </div> </div> <button type="button" id="pay-button" class="btn btn-primary">Pay</button> <input type="hidden" id="flexresponse" name="flexresponse"> </form>
Example: Creating the Pay Button with Event Listener
payButton.addEventListener('click', function() { // Compiling MM & YY into optional parameters var options = { expirationMonth: document.querySelector('#expMonth').value, expirationYear: document.querySelector('#expYear').value }; // microform.createToken(options, function (err, token) { if (err) { // handle error console.error(err); errorsOutput.textContent = err.message; } else { // At this point you may pass the token back to your server as you wish. // In this example we append a hidden input to the form and submit it. console.log(JSON.stringify(token)); flexResponse.value = JSON.stringify(token); form.submit(); } }); });
Example: Customer-Submitted Form
<script> // Variables from the HTML form var form = document.querySelector('#my-sample-form'); var payButton = document.querySelector('#pay-button'); var flexResponse = document.querySelector('#flexresponse'); var expMonth = document.querySelector('#expMonth'); var expYear = document.querySelector('#expYear'); var errorsOutput = document.querySelector('#errors-output'); // the capture context that was requested server-side for this transaction var captureContext = <%-keyInfo%> ; // custom styles that will be applied to each field we create using Microform var myStyles = { 'input': { 'font-size': '14px', 'font-family': 'helvetica, tahoma, calibri, sans-serif', 'color': '#555' }, ':focus': { 'color': 'blue' }, ':disabled': { 'cursor': 'not-allowed' }, 'valid': { 'color': '#3c763d' }, 'invalid': { 'color': '#a94442' } }; // setup Microform var flex = new Flex(captureContext); var microform = flex.microform({ styles: myStyles }); var number = microform.createField('number', { placeholder: 'Enter card number' }); var securityCode = microform.createField('securityCode', { placeholder: '•••' }); number.load('#number-container'); securityCode.load('#securityCode-container'); // Configuring a Listener for the Pay button payButton.addEventListener('click', function() { // Compiling MM & YY into optional paramiters var options = { expirationMonth: document.querySelector('#expMonth').value, expirationYear: document.querySelector('#expYear').value }; // microform.createToken(options, function (err, token) { if (err) { // handle error console.error(err); errorsOutput.textContent = err.message; } else { // At this point you may pass the token back to your server as you wish. // In this example we append a hidden input to the form and submit it. console.log(JSON.stringify(token)); flexResponse.value = JSON.stringify(token); form.submit(); } }); }); </script>
Example: Token Payload
{ // token id to be used with
services "jti": "408H4LHTRUSHXQZWLKDIN22ROVXJFLU6VLU00ZWL8PYJOZQWGPS9CUWNASNR59K4", // when the token was issued "iat": 1558612859, // when the token will expire "exp": 1558613759, // info about the stored data associated with this token // any sensitive data will be masked "data": { "number": "444433XXXXXX1111", "type": "001", "expirationMonth": "06", "expirationYear": "2025" } }
Example: Token Payload with Multiple Card Types
{ "iss": "Flex/08", "exp": 1661350495, "type": "mf-2.0.0", "iat": 1661349595, "jti": "1C174LLWIFFR9OV0V0IJQOY0IB1JQP70ZNF4TBI3V6H3AIOY0W1T6306325F91C0", "content": { "paymentInformation": { "card": { "expirationYear": { "value": "2023" }, "number": { "detectedCardTypes": [ "042", "036" ], "maskedValue": "XXXXXXXXXXXX1800", "bin": "501767" }, "securityCode": {}, "expirationMonth": { "value": "01" } } } } }
Example: Capture Context Public Key
"jwk": { "kty": "RSA", "e": "AQAB", "use": "enc", "n": "3DhDtIHLxsbsSygEAG1hcFqnw64khTIZ6w9W9mZNl83gIyj1FVk-H5GDMa85e8RZFxUwgU_zQ0kHLtONo8SB52Z0hsJVE9wqHNIRoloiNPGPQYVXQZw2S1BSPxBtCEjA5x_-bcG6aeJdsz_cAE7OrIYkJa5Fphg9_pxgYRod6JCFjgdHj0iDSQxtBsmtxagAGHjDhW7UoiIig71SN-f-gggaCpITem4zlb5kkRVvmKMUANe4B36v4XSSSpwdP_H5kv4JDz_cVlp_Vy8T3AfAbCtROyRyH9iH1Z-4Yy6T5hb-9y3IPD8vlc8E3JQ4qt6U46EeiKPH4KtcdokMPjqiuQ", "kid": "00UaBe20jy9VkwZUQPZwNNoKFPJA4Qhc" }
Example: Validating the Transient Token
This example shows how to extract the signature key from the capture context and use the key to validate the transient token object returned from a successful microform interaction.
console.log('Response TransientToken: ' + req.body.transientToken); console.log('Response CaptureContext: ' + req.body.captureContext); // Validating Token JWT Against Signature in Capture Context var capturecontext = req.body.captureContext; var transientToken = req.body.transientToken; // Extracting JWK in Body of Capture Context var ccBody = capturecontext.split('.')[1]; console.log('Body: ' + ccBody); var atob = require('atob'); var ccDecodedValue = JSON.parse( atob(ccBody)); var jwk = ccDecodedValue.flx.jwk; console.log('CaptureContext JWK: ' + JSON.stringify(jwk)); // Converting JWK to PEM var jwkToPem = require('jwk-to-pem'), jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); var pem = jwkToPem(jwk); // Validating JWT var validJWT = jwt.verify(transientToken, pem); console.log('Validated Resposonse: ' + JSON.stringify(validJWT));
Example: Authorization with a Transient Token Using the REST API
{ "clientReferenceInformation": { "code": "TC50171_3" }, "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "totalAmount": "102.21", "currency": "USD" }, "billTo": { "firstName": "Tanya", "lastName": "Lee", "address1": "1234 Main St.", "locality": "Small Town", "administrativeArea": "MI", "postalCode": "98765-4321", "country": "US", "district": "MI", "buildingNumber": "123", "email": "", "phoneNumber": "987-654-3210" } }, "tokenInformation": { "transientTokenJwt": "eyJraWQiOiIwN0JwSE9abkhJM3c3UVAycmhNZkhuWE9XQlhwa1ZHTiIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImV4cGlyYXRpb25ZZWFyIjoiMjAyMCIsIm51bWJlciI6IjQxMTExMVhYWFhYWDExMTEiLCJleHBpcmF0aW9uTW9udGgiOiIxMCIsInR5cGUiOiIwMDEifSwiaXNzIjoiRmxleC8wNyIsImV4cCI6MTU5MTc0NjAyNCwidHlwZSI6Im1mLTAuMTEuMCIsImlhdCI6MTU5MTc0NTEyNCwianRpIjoiMUMzWjdUTkpaVjI4OVM5MTdQM0JHSFM1T0ZQNFNBRERCUUtKMFFKMzMzOEhRR0MwWTg0QjVFRTAxREU4NEZDQiJ9.cfwzUMJf115K2T9-wE_A_k2jZptXlovls8-fKY0muO8YzGatE5fu9r6aC4q7n0YOvEU6G7XdH4ASG32mWnYu-kKlqN4IY_cquRJeUvV89ZPZ5WTttyrgVH17LSTE2EvwMawKNYnjh0lJwqYJ51cLnJiVlyqTdEAv3DJ3vInXP1YeQjLX5_vF-OWEuZfJxahHfUdsjeGhGaaOGVMUZJSkzpTu9zDLTvpb1px3WGGPu8FcHoxrcCGGpcKk456AZgYMBSHNjr-pPkRr3Dnd7XgNF6shfzIPbcXeWDYPTpS4PNY8ZsWKx8nFQIeROMWCSxIZOmu3Wt71KN9iK6DfOPro7w" } }