Creating a Multi-currency Report Subscription

  1. Follow the steps in Subscribing to Standard Reports to locate the Funding Detail Report standard report subscription.
  2. Click the
    Save As
    icon. The Save As New Subscription page appears.
  3. Click the
    Standard Report Subscriptions
    tab. The Standard Report Subscriptions List appears, and the
    Report Type
    list displays
    Funding Detail Report
  4. Enter a unique report name, and select the frequency and output for your report.

    Global Payment (GPN) merchants
    : Because multi-currency data are not delivered to the
    Business Center
    before the 5:00 p.m. report generation time, be sure to select the 11:00 p.m. option in the
    Subscription Start Time
  5. In the
    Advanced Report Features
    section, click the down arrow. The panel expands.
  6. On the
    Field Selection
    tab, scroll down to the
    fields section, then click the down arrow to expand the section.
  7. Add the following Funding fields to the report:


    • Exchange Rate
    • Exchange Rate Date
    • Local Amount
    • Local Currency
    • Original Amount
    • Original Currency
  8. Click
    Save As
    . The Report Subscription Management page appears.
  9. To view the new report, click the
    Custom Report Subscription