Generating a One-Time Report

  1. On the left navigation pane, click the
  2. Under Downloadable Reports, click
    Available Reports

    Step Result

    Available Reports
    page appears.
  3. On the Custom Reports tab, click
    Create Report

    Step Result

    The Create Report Subscription page appears.
  4. Account level (partner) users only:
    Under Account Setup, select whether to base the report on data from a specific merchant or a group of merchants; then choose an available value in the Merchants or Groups list or use the default value to include all merchants or groups.
    For more information about groups, see “Manage Groups” in the online help.
  5. Under Basic Report Setup, enter the following:


    In this field
    Do this
    Report Name
    Enter the name for your report that best reflects the data you want to capture. Each report must have a unique name containing up to 250 characters.
    Report Type
    Select the type of report that most closely represents the data or process you want to include.
    For more information about report types, see
    "Reports Available in the Business Center."
    Business Center
    automatically includes the most commonly used fields in your report based on this selection. See the next step for more information on how to customize these values.
    File Format
    Choose whether the
    Business Center
    creates the report in XLS or XML format.
    To create a recurring report subscription, see Subscribing to Standard Reports.
  6. To change any of the default fields included in your report, click the
    icon to expand the Advanced Report Features section, then perform one or more of the following actions (available actions are based on the report type and format you select):


    In this field or tab
    Do this
    Credit Amounts
    Check the box if you want credits to appear as negative amounts (for example: -1390.00).
    Naming Convention
    Select how you want the field names to appear in the report:
    • Simple Order API
      displays most of the field names in your report in camel case (for example: FirstName)
    • SCMP
      displays most of the field names in your report with underscores (for example: first_name)
    Select one or more types of transactions you want to include in the report.
    Leave blank to include all types.
    Connection Method
    Select one or more connection methods used to perform the transaction that you want to include in the report.
    Leave blank to include all types.
    Available only for reports that include the
    Payment Channel
    Select one or more payment channels used to perform the transaction that you want to include in the report.
    Leave blank to include all types.
    Field Selection
    One or more of the following:
    • Enter text matching a field name you want to find in the
    • Check the box for one or more fields or field types to include or remove from the report; check the
      Select All
      box to add or remove all fields.

Click the
      icon in a section to expand or collapse it.
      In the Selected column, click the
      icon to remove a field or field type from the report.
    Field Ordering
    Click and hold the
    icon to rearrange fields (in the
    column on the Field Selection tab) into the order in which you want them to appear in the report.
    This option is only available for CSV output. XML field ordering cannot be guaranteed.
  7. When you are finished, click

    Step Result

    Available Reports
    page displays and the new report appears in the Custom Reports List.