Mastercard Pay As You Go Workflow

The Mastercard Pay As You Go (PAYG) workflow begins when the rider taps a payment card at the fare collection terminal.


Pay As You Go Model
Diagram of the Mastercard Pay As You Go Aggregated transaction model.
  1. The cardholder taps the card to enter the transit system.
  2. The gate validates the card using Mastercard combined data authentication (CDA), card expiration date, and the deny list.
  3. When the card is valid, the gate allows the passenger to enter the transit system.
  4. When the CDA fails, the card is added to the deny list, and the debt recovery process begins. See Debt Recovery Workflows.
  5. You send an authorization request for a nominal amount. See Mastercard Authorization with EMV Data.
  6. When the authorization is successful, you calculate the fare for the travel period and submit a sale request at the end of the travel period.