Test Case 3a: Transaction Risk Analysis Exemption - Low Value - Mastercard EMV 3-D Secure 2.1 and 2.2

You have performed a proprietary risk assessment and are requesting a transaction risk analysis, low risk, or low value exemption based on fraud thresholds established with the network. Be sure to use the correct test card number for your version of 3-D Secure. The PARes Status will differ between the 3-D Secure versions.
Card Type
Test Card Number
CardType = 002
(version 2.1.0) 5200 0000 0000 1161
(version 2.2.0) 5200 0000 0000 2052

Required Fields for Check Enrollment

Challenge code = 05

Results for the Check Enrollment Service

VERes enrolled = Y
PARes status (version 2.1.0) = N
(version 2.2.0) = I
CAVV = <CAVV value>
ECI = 06
Reason code = 81


Proceed to Authorization.
You can also request the transaction risk analysis (TRA) exemption directly during authorization depending on the region and your agreements with your acquirer and the networks.