
The <ProofXML> element contains data that includes the date and time of the enrollment check and the VEReq and VERes elements. This element corresponds to the
consumerAuthenticationInformation. proofXml
API field.
<ProofXML> (Date) (DSURL) (PAN) (AcqBIN) (MerID) (Password) (Enrolled) </ProofXML>
Child Elements of <ProofXML>
Element Name
Type & Length
Date when the proof XML is generated.
(Although the date and time should appear sequentially during all stages of the processing of an order, they may not because of differing time zones and synchronization between servers.)
DateTime (25)
URL for the directory server where the proof XML originated.
String (50)
Customer’s masked account number. This element corresponds to the
API field.
String (19)
First six digits of the acquiring bank’s identification number.
Numeric (6)
Identifier provided by your acquirer; used to log into the ACS URL.
String (24)
Merchant's masked authentication password to the ACS; provided by your acquirer. Applies only to cards issued outside the U.S.
String (8)
Result of the enrollment check. This field can contain one of these values:
Y: Authentication available.
N: Cardholder not participating.
U: Unable to authenticate regardless of the reason.
String (1)
<ProofXML> Element
<ProofXML> <Date>20200209 08:00:34</Date> <DSURL>https:123.456.789.01:234/DSMsgServlet</DSURL> <PAN>XXXXXXXXXXXX0771</PAN> <AcqBIN>123456</AcqBIN> <MerID>4444444</MerID> <Password /> <Enrolled>Y</Enrolled>> </ProofXML>