The <PAReq> element contains the payer authentication request message. This element corresponds to the
consumerAuthenticationInformation. pareq
API field.
<PAReq> (AcqBIN) (MerID) (Name) (Country) (URL) (XID) (Date) (PurchaseAmount) (AcctID) (Expiry) </PAReq>
Child Elements of <PAReq>
Element Name
Type & Length
First six digits of the acquiring bank’s identification number.
Numeric (6)
Identifier provided by your acquirer; used to log in to the ACS URL.
String (24)
Merchant’s company name.
String (25)
Two-character code for the merchant’s country of operation.
String (2)
Merchant’s business website.
Unique transaction identifier generated for each Payment Authentication Request (PAReq) message. The PARes sent back by the issuing bank contains the XID of the PAReq. To ensure that both XIDs are the same, compare it to the XID in the response. To find all requests related to a transaction, you can also search transactions for a specific XID.
String (28)
Date and time of request.
(Although the date and time should appear sequentially during all stages of the processing of an order, they may not because of differing time zones and synchronization between servers.)
DateTime (25)
<Purchase Amount>
Authorization amount and currency for the transaction. This element corresponds to the totals of the offer lines or from the following fields:
Amount (15)
Masked string used by the ACS.
String (28)
Expiration month and year of the customer’s card.
Number (4)
<PAReq> <AcqBIN>123456</AcqBIN> <MerID>444444</MerID> <Name>example</Name> <Country>US</Country> <URL></URL> <XID>fr2VCDrbEdyC37MOPfIzMwAHBwE=</XID> <Date>2020-02-09T08:00:34-08:00</Date> <PurchaseAmount>1.00 USD</PurchaseAmount> <AcctID>NDAxMjAwMTAxMTAwMDc3MQ==</AcctID> <Expiry>2309</Expiry> </PAReq>