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Account Funding Transactions (AFTs) with Visa
uses the authorization service to support AFTs. An
AFT withdraws funds from a sender’s account.LloydsTSB Cardnet International
does not support zero amount for orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount
You must receive prior approval from before using the AFT services. Contact to register in the AFT
LloydsTSB Cardnet International
LloydsTSB Cardnet International
/pts/v2/paymentsRequired Fields for an AFT Request with Visa
These fields are required to process an AFT request:
- LloydsTSB Cardnet Internationaldoes not support zero amount.
- These are the values:
- AA: Account to account.
- BI: Money transfer (bank-initiated).
- FD: Funds disbursement, e.g. insurance payout.
- PD: Payroll disbursement
- FT: Funds transfer.
- PP: Person to person.
- TU: Top Up: Prepaid load.
- WT: Wallet transfer.
- Required with Visa when therecipientInformation.countryfield value is one of these countries:
- Australia
- Bangladesh
- Chile
- Colombia
- Egypt
- India
- These are the values:
- ISACCT: Account management.
- ISAIRB: Air transport related business.
- ISALLW: Transaction is the payment of allowance.
- ISANNI: Settlement of annuity.
- ISBENE: Unemployment disability benefit.
- ISBEXP: Business expenses.
- ISBONU: Bonus payment.
- ISBUSB: Bus transport related business.
- ISCASH: Cash management transfer.
- ISCBTV: Payment of cable TV bill.
- ISCCHD: Government institute issued related to cash compensation, helplessness, disability.
- ISCCRD: Credit card payment.
- ISCDBL: Payment of credit card bill.
- ISCHAR: Payment for charity reasons.
- ISCOLL: Collection payment.
- ISCOMC: Commercial payment.
- ISCOMM: Commission.
- ISCOMP: Compensation relating to interest loss/value date adjustment and can include fees.
- ISCPYR: Payment of copyright.
- ISDCRD: Related to a debit card payment.
- ISDEPT: Payment of a deposit.
- ISDIVD: Payment of dividend.
- ISEDUC: Payment of study/tuition fees.
- ISELEC: Payment of electricity bill.
- ISENRG: Energies.
- ISFEES: General fees.
- ISFERB: Payment for ferry related business.
- ISFREX: Foreign exchange.
- ISGASB: Payment of gas bill.
- ISGFRP: Compensation to unemployed persons during insolvency procedures.
- ISGOVT: Government payment.
- ISHLTI: Health insurance.
- ISICCP: Reimbursement of credit card payment.
- ISIDCP: Reimbursement of debit card payment.
- ISINPC: Payment of car insurance premium.
- ISINSC: Transaction is related to the payment of an insurance claim.
- ISINSMI: Installment.
- ISINSU: Insurance premium.
- ISINVS: Payment of mutual funds, investment products and shares.
- ISINTC: Intra company payment.
- ISINTE: Interest.
- ISINTX: Investment.
- ISLBRI: Labor insurance.
- ISLICF: License fee.
- ISUIFI: Life insurance.
- ISLOAN: Loan.
- ISMDCS: Medical services.
- ISMP2B: Mobile P2B payment.
- ISMP2P: Mobile P2P payment.
- ISMTUP: Mobile top up.
- ISNOWS: Not otherwise specified.
- ISOTHR: Other.
- ISOTLC: Transaction is related to a payment of other telecom related bill.
- ISPAYR: Payroll.
- ISPEFC: Contribution to pension fund.
- ISPENS: Pension payment.
- ISPHON: Payment of telephone bill.
- ISPPTI: Property insurance.
- ISRELG: Transaction is for general rental/lease.
- ISRENT: The payment of rent.
- ISRLWY: Payment for railway transport related business.
- ISROYA: Royalties.
- ISSALA: Salary payment.
- ISSANG: Payment to savings/retirement account.
- ISSECU: Securities.
- ISSSBE: Social security benefit.
- ISSTDY: Study.
- ISSUBS: Subscription.
- ISSUPP: Supplier payment.
- ISTAXR: Refund of a tax payment or obligation.
- ISTAXS: Tax payment.
- ISTBIL: Transaction is related to a payment of telecommunications related bill.
- ISTRAD: Trade services operation.
- ISTREA: Treasury payment.
- ISTRPT: Payment for travel.
- ISUBIL: Utility bill payment.
- ISVATX: Value added tax payment.
- ISWHLD: With holding.
- ISWTER: Payment of water.
- Required with Visa in Canada.
- Required with Visa when thefield value is Canada.recipientInformation.country
- Required with Visa when therecipientInformation.countryfield value is Canada.
- Required with Visa when thesenderInformation.countryfield value is Canada and the US.
Related Information
Optional Fields for Performing an AFT with Visa
You can include these optional fields in an authorization request for an AFT:
- Required with Visa in Australia and Canada.When you do not include this value in your request, Cybersource uses the merchant configuration fields from your account.
- Required with Visa in Australia.When you do not include this value in your request, Cybersource uses the merchant configuration fields from your account.
- Required with Visa in Australia and Canada.When you do not include this value in your request, Cybersource uses the merchant configuration fields from your account.
- Required with Visa in Australia and Canada.When you do not include this value in your request, Cybersource uses the merchant configuration fields from your account.
- Required with Visa in Australia and Canada.When you do not include this value in your request, Cybersource uses the merchant configuration fields from your account.
Related Information
REST Example: AFT with Visa
{ "clientReferenceInformation": { "code": "TC50171_3" }, "paymentInformation": { "card": { "number": "411111111111XXXX", "expirationMonth": "12", "expirationYear": "2031" } }, "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "totalAmount": "100.00", "currency": "USD" }, "billTo": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "address1": "1 Market St", "locality": "san francisco", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94105", "country": "US", "email": "test@cybs.com", "phoneNumber": "4158880000" } }, "processingInformation": { "authorizationOptions": { "aftIndicator": "y" }, "commerceIndicator": "internet", "businessApplicationId": "PP", "purposeOfPayment": "ISACCT" }, "merchantInformation": { "merchantCategoryCode": "6540", "merchantDescriptor": { "locality": "Sydney", "postalCode": "123456", "name": "Cybersource", "address1": "1 Test Street", "administrativeArea": "SA" } }, "senderInformation": { "referenceNumber": "1234567890123456", "firstName": "John", "middleName": "Joe", "lastName": "Smith", "address1": "1 Test Street", "locality": "Northampton", "countryCode": "CAN", "administrativeArea": "ON", "account": { "number": "411111111111XXXX" } }, "recipientInformation": { "firstName": "Joe", "middleName": "Bob", "lastName": "Bloggs", "accountType": "03", "accountId": "545454545454XXXX", "country": "CAN", "address1": "1 Test Street", "administrativeArea": "ON", "locality": "Vancouver" } }
{ "_links": { "authReversal": { "method": "POST", "href": "/pts/v2/payments/7345247988967174740121/reversals" }, "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "/pts/v2/payments/7345247988967174740121" }, "capture": { "method": "POST", "href": "/pts/v2/payments/7345247988967174740121/captures" } }, "clientReferenceInformation": { "code": "TC50171_3" }, "id": "7345247988967174740121", "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "authorizedAmount": "100.00", "currency": "USD" } }, "paymentAccountInformation": { "card": { "type": "001" } }, "paymentInformation": { "tokenizedCard": { "type": "001" }, "card": { "type": "001" } }, "processorInformation": { "approvalCode": "831000", "networkTransactionId": "201506041511351", "transactionId": "201506041511351", "responseCode": "00", "avs": { "code": "1" } }, "status": "AUTHORIZED", "submitTimeUtc": "2024-12-18T12:26:39Z" }