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Fields Required to Process a Sale with Cybersource Decryption
As a best practice,
include these
decryption implementation of Apple Pay.
in your request for a combined authorization and capture (sale) transaction with the
Depending on your processor, your geographic location, and whether
the relaxed address verification system (RAVS) is enabled for your account,
some of these fields might not be required.
It is your responsibility to determine whether an API field can be omitted
from the transaction you are requesting.
For information about the relaxed requirements for address data and expiration
dates in payment transactions, see the .- Format of the encrypted payment data.
- Set the value toRklEPUNPTU1PTi5BUFBMRS5JTkFQUC5QQVlNRU5Ufor Apple Pay.
- Encoding method used to encrypt the payment data.
- Set the value toBase64for Apple Pay.
- Set the value to the encrypted payment data value returned by the Full Wallet request.
- Set the value totruefor a sale transaction (to include a capture with the authorization).
- Set the value to001to identify Apple Pay as the digital payment solution.