On This Page
Retrieving a List of Plans
A list of plans provides these details for each plan:
- Plan ID
- Plan code
- Plan name
- Description
- Status
- Billing period unit
- Billing period length
- Billing cycles total
- Currency
- Billing amount
- Set-up fee
After you retrieve the list of plans, use the plan ID to retrieve, amend, activate, deactivate, or delete a subscription.
Follow these steps to retrieve a list of plans:
- Filter the list of plans by these query string parameters:
- filters: Use Lucene query syntax. Only keyword-matching andANDare supported. Example:name:"Test plan" AND code:"009" AND status:"ACTIVE"
- offset: Page offset number.
- limit: Number of items to be returned. Default is20and maximum is100.
- Format the endpoint as follows:
GET https://<url_prefix>/rbs/v1/plansADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Use one of these URL prefixes:- Test:apitest.cybersource.com
- Production:api.cybersource.com
- Production in India:api.in.cybersource.com
- Check the response message to make sure that the request was successful. A 200-level HTTP response code indicates success.For information about response codes, see Transaction Response Codes.
REST Examples: Retrieving a List of Plans
Successful Response
{ "_links": { "self": { "href": "/rbs/v1/plans?limit=2", "method": "GET" }, "next": { "href": "/rbs/v1/plans?offset=2&limit=2", "method": "GET" } }, "totalCount": 96, "plans": [ { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/rbs/v1/plans/1619212820", "method": "GET" }, "update": { "href": "/rbs/v1/plans/1619212820", "method": "PATCH" }, "deactivate": { "href": "/rbs/v1/plans/1619212820/deactivate", "method": "POST" } }, "id": "1619212820", "planInformation": { "code": "1619310018", "status": "ACTIVE", "name": "Test plan", "description": "Description", "billingPeriod": { "length": "1", "unit": "W" }, "billingCycles": { "total": "4" } }, "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "currency": "USD", "billingAmount": "7.00", "setupFee": "0.00" } } }, { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/rbs/v1/plans/6183561970436023701960", "method": "GET" }, "update": { "href": "/rbs/v1/plans/6183561970436023701960", "method": "PATCH" }, "activate": { "href": "/rbs/v1/plans/6183561970436023701960/activate", "method": "POST" } }, "id": "6183561970436023701960", "planInformation": { "code": "1616024773", "status": "DRAFT", "name": "Plan Test", "description": "12123", "billingPeriod": { "length": "9999", "unit": "Y" }, "billingCycles": { "total": "123" } }, "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "currency": "USD", "billingAmount": "1.00", "setupFee": "0.00" } } } ] }
Error Response
{ "status": "INVALID_REQUEST", "reason": "VALIDATION_ERROR", "message": "Field validation errors.", "details": [ { "field": "customerInformation.email", "reason": "Invalid email" } ] }