
A plan defines the payment amount and billing schedule for recurring or subscription payments.
After you create a plan, you can assign it to multiple subscriptions and manage changes for multiple subscriptions.
Installment-based plans are currently not supported.
Recurring Billing supports two types of plans:
  • Standard plans
    : created and stored within the recurring billing service for re-use. You can assign these plans to multiple subscriptions.
  • One-time plans
    : created specifically for a single subscription and not stored for re-use nor assigned to other subscriptions.
Both plan types have two billing cycle options. Choose one of these billing cycles when defining the number of recurring payments to be made:
  • Bill indefinitely
  • Fixed number of payments

Bill Indefinitely

This option has a fixed payment amount and a payment schedule with no end date. This option comprises these elements:
  • Plan code
  • Plan name
  • Plan description (optional)
  • Billing frequency
  • Currency
  • Payment amount
  • Set-up fee (optional)
One-time plans do not include a plan code, plan name, or plan description.

Fixed Number of Payments

This option has a fixed payment amount, a payment schedule, and a fixed number of payments. This option comprises these elements:
  • Plan code
  • Plan name
  • Plan description (optional)
  • Billing frequency
  • Currency
  • Payment amount
  • Number of billing cycles
  • Set-up fee (optional)
One-time plans do not include a plan code, plan name, or plan description.