Updating a Webhook Subscription
To update a webhook subscription, send a PATCH request. Include only the fields that you want
to update.
To request the service, use the endpoint specified below. After you send the request, check the
response message to verify that the request was successful. A 200-level response code
indicates success.
For information about response codes, see
Transaction Response
- Test:PATCHapitest.cybersource.com/notification-subscriptions/v1/webhooks/{webhookId}
- Production:PATCHapi.cybersource.com/notification-subscriptions/v1/webhooks/{webhookId}
- Production in India:PATCH api.in.cybersource.com/notification-subscriptions/v1/webhooks/{webhookId}
Example: Updating a Webhook Subscription
Update Webhook
{ "name": "My Sample Webhook", "description": "Sample decision manager webhook reject event.", "products": [ { "productId": "decisionManager", "eventTypes": [ "risk.profile.decision.reject" ] } ], "webhookUrl": "https://MyWebhookServer.com:java.io.PrintWriter@4b9e8b7d 8443:/simulateClient", "healthCheckUrl": "https://MyWebhookServer.com:8443:/simulateClientHealthCheck", "notificationScope": { "scope": "CUSTOM" } }