Testing API Requests

It is strongly recommended that you test your Webhooks API integration. Our testing URL is:
We offer two methods:
  • Live Console
  • Postman

Live Console

You can use the Reference Guide Live Console to test Webhook API requests and receive responses.
You can use your own test account by adding the account credentials in the Sandbox Configuration section of the Configuration tab. You can also use a generic test account by using the Organization ID
Select a request type in the left-navigation column. For example, Create a Webhook. You can use the Request Builder to add and remove fields or choose a type of API request from the
Configuration > Sample Request
drop-down menu. For example, if you choose the
Configuration > Sample Request
drop-down menu and select
Create Invoicing Webhook
, the body of the request uses invoicing fields.


Reference Guide Live Console


If you would like to use Postman for testing, contact your account manager for a webhooks Postman collection.