Viewing a Subscription in Recurring Billing

You can view subscription details, including payment history and the next scheduled payment. Use these filters to search for subscriptions:
  • Subscription code
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Plan name
  • Subscription status
Follow these steps to view a subscription in Recurring Billing:
  1. Log in to the
    Business Center
  2. On the left navigation panel, click
    Recurring Billing
  3. Click
    Manage Subscriptions
    . The Manage Subscriptions page appears.
  4. To search for subscriptions, click
    Add a Filter
    , and select one of the filter options.
  5. Enter the exact information, and press
    . Matching search results display in the list.
  6. To view the details for a subscription, click the subscription code. The Subscription Details page appears.