Creating a Plan

A plan consists of this information:
  • Plan code—generated by the Recurring Billing service (default) or assigned by the merchant.
  • Plan name
  • Plan description
  • Plan ID—generated by the Recurring Billing service.
  • Billing amount
  • Currency—assigned when the plan is created.
  • Billing period—the length and calendar unit of the billing frequency, which cannot exceed a 12 month period.
  • Billing cycle options—indefinite or a defined billing end period.
  • Set-up fee—0.00 if not included when the plan is created.
Follow these steps to create a plan:
  1. Log in to the
    Business Center
  2. On the left navigation panel, click
    Recurring Billing
  3. Click
    Manage Plans
    . The Manage Plans page appears.
  4. Click
    Add New Plan
    . The Create Plan page appears.
  5. Enter this information:
    1. Plan code: generated automatically when not assigned by the merchant.
    2. Plan name
    3. Plan description (optional)
    4. Billing amount
    5. Currency
    6. Billing period length
    7. Billing period unit
  6. Select the billing cycle by choosing one of these options:


    • Bill indefinitely.
    • Define billing period end and enter the plan period length. The plan period unit defaults to the same length as the billing period length.
  7. Enter the set-up fee (optional).
  8. Click
    Save as Draft
    . The Manage Plans page appears.