Editing a Plan

This information can be edited:
  • Plan code
  • Plan name
  • Plan description
  • Billing amount
  • Set-up fee
  • Subscription update: change the plan for all new and existing or only new subscriptions.
Follow these steps to edit a plan:
  1. Log in to the
    Business Center
  2. On the left navigation panel, click
    Recurring Billing
  3. Click
    Manage Plans
    . The Manage Plans page appears.
  4. Click the plan code. The Plan Details page appears.
  5. Click
    . The Edit Plan Page appears.
  6. Make changes to the plan.
  7. Under Plan Change - Subscription Update, select
    New Subscriptions Only
    All (New and Existing)
  8. Click
    . The Plan Details page appears.