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processorInformation. responseCode
Response code from the issuer or the processor providing the status of the request.
This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.
Merchants must process response code
from VisaNet when PIN data is not
included for Georgia or India domestic card-present transactions in this field.Merchants in Georgia must support the response code
customer authentication required), which they receive from VisaNet for an e-commerce or
card-present transaction.This field is supported only for Mastercard on
Visa Platform Connect
Do not use this field to evaluate the result of the request.
- Authorization and Incremental Authorization
- This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.
- Credit
- This field is returned only when the credit is authorized and the processor sends this value.
- PIN debit
- This field is the value that is returned by the processor or bank in a response.
- When this value is08, you can accept the transaction if the customer provides you with identification.
- Comercio Latino
- This value is the status code and the error or response code received from the processor separated by a colon.Format: [status code]:E[error code] or [status code]:R[response code]Example:2:R06
- JCN Gateway
- Processor-defined detail error code. The associated response category code is in theprocessorInformation.responseCategoryCodefield.
- Visa Platform Connect
- Mastercard can return the following values:
- 51: Insufficient funds
- 79: Life cycle
- 82: Policy
- 83: Fraud or security
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:6 (eCheck transactions); 10 (all other transactions)
- Data Length:
- 3JCN Gateway:
- All other processors:6 (eCheck transactions); 10 (all other transactions)
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.responseCode
- SCMP API Fields:
- auth_auth_response
- auth_reversal_auth_response
- credit_auth_response
- ecp_credit_result_code
- incremental_auth_response
- oct_response_code
- pin_debit_credit_processor_response
- pin_debit_purchase_processor_response
- pin_debit_reversal_processor_response
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthReply_processorResponse
- ccAuthReversalReply_processorResponse
- ccCreditReply_processorResponse
- ecCreditReply_processorResponse
- ccIncrementalAuthReply_processorResponse
- octReply_processorResponse
- pinDebitCreditReply_processorResponse
- pinDebitPurchaseReply_processorResponse
- pinDebitReversalReply_processorResponse