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merchantInformation. merchantDescriptor. country
Country code for your business location.
Use the standard ISO standard country codes.
When you do not include this value in your request,
uses the
merchant country from your account.This value must consist of English characters.
This value might be displayed on the cardholder’s statement.
This value might be ignored by your acquiring bank. Contact your
acquiring bank for more information about overriding your default merchant
When you do not include this value in your request, the merchant country from your
account is used.
If your business is located in the US or Canada and you include this field in a request,
you must also include
.- Visa Platform Connect
- This field is required for aPayoutsoriginal credit transaction (OCT) service request that specifies a deferred OCT processing date and time. SeeprocessingInformation. payoutOptions. deferredDateTimefield.
- You must include this field and theaggregatorInformation.subMerchant.countryfield in your authorization and capture request if you use the Foreign Retail Indicator.
- When this field and theaggregatorInformation.subMerchant.countryfield are not set to the same value, the Foreign Retail Indicator is set toF.When this field and theaggregatorInformation.subMerchant.countryfield are set to the same value, the Foreign Retail Indicator is set to a space character.The Foreign Retail Indicator field value corresponds to the data in the following TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP01 TCR8
- Position: 166–168
- Field: Foreign Retail Indicator
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:merchantInformation.merchantDescriptor.country
- SCMP API Fields:
- merchant_descriptor_country
- pa_merchant_country_code
- Simple Order API Fields:
- invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptorCountry
- payerAuthEnrollService_merchantCountrycode