orderInformation. amountDetails.totalAmount

Grand total for the order.
If your request includes line items, do not include this field in your request.
This value cannot be negative. You can include a decimal point (.), but you cannot include any other special characters. The amount is truncated to the correct number of decimal places.
Some processors have specific requirements and limitations, such as maximum amounts and maximum field lengths.
Dynamic Currency Conversions
When this field is used in a request with Dynamic Currency Conversion, this field value must be denominated in the customer's billing currency.
Original Credit Transactions (OCT)
The amount must be less than or equal to 50,000 USD. Amount limits differ depending on limitations imposed by your acquirer in addition to local laws and regulations. Contact your acquirer for more information.
PIN Debit Transactions
If the transaction includes a cash-back amount, that amount must be included in this total amount. If the transaction includes a surcharge amount, that amount must be included in this total amount.
Zero Amount Authorizations
If your processor supports zero amount authorizations, you can set this field to
for the authorization to verify whether the card is lost or stolen.


  • Data Type:
  • : 15 (for e-check transactions); 17 (for all all other transactions)
  • Data Length
    • Comercio Latino
      : 19
    • Other Processors: 15 (for e-check transactions); 17 (for all all other transactions)

Mapping Information

  • REST API Field:
  • SCMP API Fields:
    • auth_request_amount
    • bill_bill_amount
    • ecp_credit_total_amount
    • oct_amount
    • orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount
    • pin_debit_purchase_request_amount
    • reversalInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount
    • tax_total_grand
  • Simple Order API Fields:
    • ccAuthReply_requestAmount
    • ccCaptureReply_amount
    • octReply_amount
    • ecCreditReply_amount
    • pinDebitPurchaseReply_requestAmount
    • purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount
    • taxReply_grandTotalAmount

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data.
  • Chase Paymentech Solutions
  • FDC Compass
  • FDC Nashville Global
  • OmniPay Direct
    Line Item Total
  • RBS WorldPay Atlanta
  • TSYS Acquiring Solutions