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Create the Authorization Header
You can now build the transaction header using a JSON Web Token.
Your message header must include these header fields:
JWT Header Field | Description |
Authorization | The bearer token generated. (Bearer<JWT>) |
Content-Type | Also known as the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME)
type, this identifies the media or file type of the resource.
(application/json) |
Host | The transaction endpoint. ( api.cybersource.com ) |
Example: JSON Web Token Header
Host: api.cybersource.com Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer eyJ2LWMtbWVyY2hhbnQtaWQiOiJtZXJjaGFudElEIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYiLCJraWQiOiI3M Dc4NjMzMjg1MjUwMTc3MDQxNDk5In0.eyJkaWdlc3QiOiJSQk52bzFXelo0b1JScTBXOStoa2 5wVDdUOElmNTM2REVNQmc5aHlxLzRvPSIsImRpZ2VzdEFsZ29yaXRobSI6IlNIQS0yNTYiLCJ pYXQiOiIyMDI0LTA0LTA1VDE2OjI1OjE4LjI1OVoifQ.YjgwNGIxOTMxMzQ2NzhlYjdiMDdhM WZmYjZiYzUzNzliMTk5NzFmNjAzNWRmMThlNzk0N2NhY2U0YTEwNzYyYQ