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Generate a Hash of the Message Body
This hash is used to validate the integrity of the message at the receiving end.
Follow these steps to generate the hash:
- Generate the SHA-256 hash of the JSON payload (body of the message).
- Encode the hashed string to Base64.
- PrependSHA-256=to the front of the hash.
- Add the message body hash to thedigestheader field.
Creating a Message Hash Using the Command Line
Toolecho -n "{"clientReferenceInformation":{"code":"TC50171_3"},"paymentInformation":{"card":{"number": "4111111111111111","expirationMonth":"12","expirationYear":"2031"}},"orderInformation":{"amountDetails": {"totalAmount":"102.21","currency":"USD"},"billTo”:{“firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe","address1": "1MarketSt","locality":"sanfrancisco","administrativeArea":"CA","postalCode":"94105","country":"US", "email":"test@cybs.com","phoneNumber":"4158880000"}}}" | shasum -a 256
echo -n "6ae5459bc8a7d6a4b203e8a734d6a616725134088e13261f5bbcefc1424fc956" | base64
Creating a Message Hash Using the Command Line
Toolecho -n "6ae5459bc8a7d6a4b203e8a734d6a616725134088e13261f5bbcefc1424fc956" | base64
Creating a Message Hash Using C#
public static string GenerateDigest() { var digest = ""; var bodyText = "{ your JSON payload }"; using (var sha256hash = SHA256.Create()) { byte[] payloadBytes = sha256hash .ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(bodyText)); digest = Convert.ToBase64String(payloadBytes); digest = "SHA-256=" + digest; } return digest; }
Creating a Message Using Java
public static String GenerateDigest() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { String bodyText = "{ your JSON payload }"; MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); md.update(bodyText.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); byte[] digest = md.digest(); return "SHA-256=" + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(digest); }
Digest Header Field