REST API | Visa Platform Connect

Token Management Service

The Token Management Service (TMS) replaces Payment Tokenization. TMS enables you to:
  • Tokenize customers’ sensitive personal information.
  • Eliminate payment data from your order management system to ensure that it is not compromised during a security breach.
When you use TMS, you can process a payment transaction by using information that is associated with a customer token. The customer token is used to reference customer information in the
database. Instead of providing all the information that is normally required for a transaction, you only need to provide the following values:
  • Client reference code
  • Customer ID—set this field to the value of the customer token.
  • Merchant ID
  • Transaction amount
You can override most of the information associated with the customer token by including the relevant API fields in the payment or credit request. For example, you could provide a different billing or shipping address in the request. You cannot override the payment card account number.
You can use
Secure Acceptance
to obtain a customer token.