On This Page
Required Fields for Authorizing a Payment Using Merchant Decryption for Visa
- billTo_city
- billTo_country
- billTo_email
- billTo_firstName
- billTo_lastName
- billTo_postalCode
- billTo_state
- billTo_street1
- card_accountNumber
- Set this field to the payment network token value.
- card_cardType
- ForVisa Platform Connect, to authorize a payment on the mada Pay mobile app with a Visa and mada co-badged card, set this field to060.
- card_expirationMonth
- Set this field to the value from the payment network token expiration month.
- card_expirationYear
- Set this field to the value from the payment network token expiration year.
- ccAuthService_cavv
- Set this field to the network token cryptogram.
- ccAuthService_commerceIndicator
- Set this field to the ECI value contained in the Apple Pay response payload.
- ccAuthService_networkTokenCryptogram
- Set this field to the network token cryptogram.
- ccAuthService_run
- Set this field totrue.
- merchantID
- merchantReferenceCode
- paymentNetworkToken_transactionType
- Set this field to1.
- paymentSolution
- Set this field to001.
- purchaseTotals_currency
- purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount
- EitherpurchaseTotals_grandTotalAmountoritem_#_unitPricemust be included in the request.
- requestorID
- Required only forVisa Platform Connect.
- transactionMode
- Required only for merchants in Saudi Arabia.