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REST API | American Express
Required Fields for a Sale
The following fields are required in a request for a sale:
- clientReferenceInformation.code
- orderInformation.amountDetails.currency
- orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount
- EitherorderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmountororderInformation.lineItems[]andorderInformation.lineItems[].unitPricemust be included in the request.
- orderInformation.billTo.address1
- Required except when your account is configured for relaxed requirements for address data and expiration date.Important:It is your responsibility to determine whether a field is required for the transaction that you are requesting.
- orderInformation.billTo.administrativeArea
- Required when the billing country is the U.S. or Canada except when your account is configured for relaxed requirements for address data and expiration date.Important:It is your responsibility to determine whether a field is required for the transaction that you are requesting.
- orderInformation.billTo.country
- Required except when your account is configured for relaxed requirements for address data and expiration date.Important:It is your responsibility to determine whether a field is required for the transaction that you are requesting.
- orderInformation.billTo.email
- Required except when your account is configured for relaxed requirements for address data and expiration date.Important:It is your responsibility to determine whether a field is required for the transaction that you are requesting.
- orderInformation.billTo.firstName
- Required except when your account is configured for relaxed requirements for address data and expiration date.Important:It is your responsibility to determine whether a field is required for the transaction that you are requesting.
- orderInformation.billTo.LastName
- Required except when your account is configured for relaxed requirements for address data and expiration date.Important:It is your responsibility to determine whether a field is required for the transaction that you are requesting.
- orderInformation.billTo.locality
- Required except when your account is configured for relaxed requirements for address data and expiration date.Important:It is your responsibility to determine whether a field is required for the transaction that you are requesting.
- orderInformation.billTo.postalCode
- Required when the billing country is the U.S. or Canada except when your account is configured for relaxed requirements for address data and expiration date.Important:It is your responsibility to determine whether a field is required for the transaction that you are requesting.
- orderInformation.lineItems[].productName
- Required when the product code is notdefaultor one of the values for shipping or handling. Otherwise, this field is optional.
- orderInformation.lineItems[].quantity
- Required when the product code is notdefaultor one of the values for shipping or handling. Otherwise, this field is optional.
- orderInformation.lineItems[].productSku
- Required when the product code is notdefaultor one of the values for shipping or handling. Otherwise, this field is optional.
- orderInformation.shipTo.address1
- Required when any shipping address information is included in the request. Otherwise, this field is optional.
- orderInformation.shipTo.administrativeArea
- Required when any shipping address information is included in the request and shipping to the U.S. or Canada. Otherwise, this field is optional.
- orderInformation.shipTo.country
- Required when any shipping address information is included in the request. Otherwise, this field is optional.
- orderInformation.shipTo.locality
- Required when any shipping address information is included in the request and shipping to the U.S. or Canada. Otherwise, this field is optional.
- orderInformation.shipTo.postalCode
- Required when any shipping address information is included in the request and shipping to the U.S. or Canada. Otherwise, this field is optional.
- paymentInformation.card.expirationMonth
- Required except when your account is configured for relaxed requirements for address data and expiration date.Important:It is your responsibility to determine whether a field is required for the transaction that you are requesting.
- paymentInformation.card.expirationYear
- Required except when your account is configured for relaxed requirements for address data and expiration date.Important:It is your responsibility to determine whether a field is required for the transaction that you are requesting.
- paymentInformation.card.number
- paymentInformation.card.type
- Required onVisa Platform Connectfor all card types. On other processors, required for certain card types. It is strongly recommended that you send the card type even if it is optional for your processor. Omitting the card type can cause the transaction to be processed with the wrong card type.
- processingInformation.commerceIndicator
- Required for requests that include payer authentication data. Otherwise, it is optional.