Device Fingerprint Fields

Table 1. Device Fingerprint Fields (Custom Fraud Management)
Field Name Definition
BrowserLanguage Comma-separated list of languages preferred or supported by the browser.
CookiesEnabled Indicates if cookies are enabled in customer’s browser.
DeviceFirstSeen Date when the device was first encountered.
DeviceLatitude Latitude of the GPS location of the device.
DeviceLongitude Longitude of the GPS location of the device.
DeviceMatched Longitude of the GPS location of the mobile device.
Fingerprint/DeviceFingerprint Unique ID of a computer or other device.
FlashEnabled Indicates if Flash is enabled in customer’s browser.
FlashOperatingSystem Device operating system as reported by Flash.
FlashVersion Version of Flash installed on the device.
GPSAccuracy Indicates the accuracy of the GPS location of the mobile device.
ImagesEnabled Indicates if images are enabled in customer’s browser.
Jailbreak/RootPrivileges Indicates if a mobile device has root privileges.
Jailbreak/RootReason Additional information describing elements on mobile device that triggered escalation to root privileges.
JavaScriptEnabled Indicates if JavaScript is enabled in customer’s browser.
ProfiledURL URL of profiled page.
ProfilingDate/Time Time of device profiling.
ProfilingDuration/RequestDuration Total time in milliseconds to process the profiling request.
ProxyIPAddress IP address of proxy if available.
ProxyIPAddressActivities Actions associated with the proxy IP address.
ProxyIPAddressAttributes Characteristics associated with the proxy IP address.
ProxyServerType Type of proxy server based on the HTTP header.
ScreenResolution Screen resolution of the device.
SmartID Device identifier generated from attributes collected during profiling.
SmartIDConfidenceLevel Probability that the Smart ID is correctly identifying a returning device.
TimeOnPage Time period in milliseconds that device profiling page displays on browser before it closes or user navigates away from the page.
TrueIPAddress Customer’s true IP address detected by the application.
TrueIPAddressActivities Actions associated with the true IP address.
TrueIPAddressAttributes Characteristics associated with the true IP address.
TrueIPAddressCity City associated with the true IP address.
TrueIPAddressCountry Country associated with the true IP address.
TypeofBrowserAgent Indicates if a mobile device or a computer was used to initiate the session.