Unified Checkout

To integrate
Unified Checkout
into your platform, you must follow several integration steps. This section gives a high-level overview of how to integrate and launch
Unified Checkout
on your webpage and process a transaction using the data that
Unified Checkout
collects for you. You can find the detailed specifications of the APIs later in this document.
The integration flow consists of three events:
  1. You send a server‑to‑server API request for a capture context. This request is fully authenticated and returns a JSON Web Token (JWT) that is necessary in order to invoke the frontend JavaScript library. For information on setting up the server side, see Server-Side Set Up.
  2. You invoke the
    Unified Checkout
    JavaScript library using the JWT response from the capture context request. For information on setting up the client side, see Client-Side Set Up.
  3. You process the payment.
If you want to retrieve the billing and shipping information captured by
Unified Checkout
, you can use the payment details API.
The figure below shows the
Unified Checkout
payment flow.


Unified Checkout
Payment Flow
Diagram that shows the sequence and flow of a Unified Checkout payment.
For more information on the specific APIs referenced, see these topics: