REST API | American Express

System Reports

This window contains daily, weekly, and monthly performance reports for basic
Decision Manager
features, trends in fraud and fraud prevention, and detailed information about
Decision Manager
To view a report, click the report link. On the report page, use the filters to choose a date range or time frame, or additional search filters. If no reports are available for those search criteria, you receive a message. To download the reports, click
. For more information, see the
Decision Manager
Reporting Guide
Group administrators can view a combined report for all of their merchants, including those who are not part of the group, followed by a report for each merchant.

System Performance Reports

In all reports, accepted orders appear in green, rejected orders in red, and orders to review in yellow.
The maximum time period for a report date range is 31 days.
Report Name
Profile Performance Comparison Report
This report shows the performance of your active and passive profiles. You can view the profiles that are performing well and those that may need refining. This report is available in HTML, PDF, and XLS formats. You can choose a search date and time interval from the past hour to the past month, or you can choose a custom range.
Risk Score Distribution Report
This report shows the percentage of accepted and rejected orders that receive a score within a predetermined range. This report is available in HTML, PDF, and XLS formats. You can choose a search date and time interval from the past hour to the past month, or you can choose a custom range.
Profile Rule Performance Report
This report shows the results of the rule evaluation in your active and passive profiles. This report is available in HTML and XLS formats. You can choose a search date and time interval from the past hour to the past month, or you can choose a custom range.
Order Conversion Summary Report
This report provides a summary of all the orders that went through your system for the specified time period. The report shows orders that were automatically accepted or reject by the system as well as those that went through review. This report is available in HTML, PDF, and XLS formats.

Monthly Trend Reports

These monthly reports are available for the previous 16 months in HTML, PDF, and XLS formats. All reports are generated at 9:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Changes made after that time appear in the following day's reports.
Report Name
System Automation Report
This report shows the percentages of transactions initially accepted and rejected by the profile compared to the number of transactions and the value of the transactions.
Fraud Rate Report
This report enables you to compare your overall fraud rate to creditbacks and other fraud markings. The charts show total fraud compared to the number of transactions and the value of the transactions.
Chargeback Rate Report
This report displays the revenue for transactions that were marked as suspect with the fraud chargeback reason and the fraud rate.
Prevented Fraud Report
This report ascertains the effectiveness of your fraud prevention process by comparing the amount of fraud that occurred to the amount of fraud that was prevented by your fraud prevention process.

Detail Reports

These reports are available in CSV or XML formats. Links to the corresponding Conversion Detail DTD or
Decision Manager
Detail XSD are provided in the upper right corner of the Detail reports window.
Report Name
Conversion Detail Report
Shows the results of the converted orders for each reviewer. This report is sorted by request ID. It contains the status, name of reviewer, queue assignment, and order profile for each order that is marked review or reject.
Decision Manager
Detail Report
This report contains data from the fields you select in
Subscription Management.