REST API | American Express

Using the
One-Time Payment

The One-Time Payment form guides you through the steps of entering appropriate information about the order to be processed. If the transaction is not initiated by the cardholder, you must identify the transaction as merchant-initiated and provide the reason for the new transaction. The fields displayed for each transaction depend on both the transaction method (card present, card not present, or echeck) and the settings applied for your account (determined by the services you use and/or reseller requirements):
  • Order Details:
    provide the type and amount of the transaction.
  • Additional Fields:
    enter additional information about the merchant and/or Level II fields that you capture.
  • Customer Information:
    provide both billing and shipping information for the order.
  • Review and Pay:
    review all entries, provide payment information, and submit the transaction.
The One-Time Payment tabs guide you through the steps of entering appropriate information about the order to be processed. If the transaction is not initiated by the cardholder, you must identify the transaction as merchant-initiated and provide the reason for the new transaction. The fields that are displayed and required for each transaction depend on both the transaction method (card present, card not present, or echeck), as well as settings applied for your account (determined by the services you use and/or reseller requirements):
  • Order Information:
    provide the type and amount of the transaction; if enabled, Level II field and merchant contact information.
  • Payment Information:
    indicate how the transaction was requested and the payment method used.
  • Customer Information:
    provide both billing and shipping Information for the order.
  • Order Review:
    review all entries and submit the transaction.

Sequential and Entire Form Views

Based on the kind of transaction you are performing, the One-Time Payment form may either display entry steps sequentially or the complete form in one view. The view is controlled by your Virtual Terminal settings; contact customer support for assistance.
If you enter orders using the sequential view, you can move between steps using the actions at the bottom of each page. As you progress through order entry, the step indicators visually change to let you know where you are in the process.
Use the links at the bottom of each tab to progress to the next step, or to return to the previous step in the order process.
This icon
Indicates this status
(no indicator)
Step is not started.
(blue outline)
Step is in progress.
(green fill)
Step is complete.
(red exclamation)
Step needs review due to invalid or missing values.