REST API | American Express

Creating Rule Conditions

A rule condition is a requirement that a rule must meet before it can be triggered. You can create more than one rule condition. You can create, edit, and delete conditions as needed. If several users are making changes at the same time, the retained changes are those of the last person who saves changes. For examples, see the
Decision Manager
User Guide.
Use order elements marked with (Single Offer) or (Single) to create rules that tag multiple order elements within the same offer line or line item of a transaction.
The Authorization EV order elements apply only to American Express SafeKey. For more information, see the
Credit Card Services Guide
for your API.
Not all Fraud Score order element fields are currently available for profile selection. Fields generated from model processing are available only after profile selection for use in profile rules.
The following example shows how to create a rule to review orders that were placed outside the U.S. with an amount greater than USD 500.

Example: Creating Rule Conditions

  1. To create a condition that specifies amounts greater than USD 500, choose
    Amount (Grand Total)
    from the Order Element drop-down list.
    Order elements are grouped according to type of data: customer, export, fraud, order, payment, travel, and custom fields. Amount (Grand Total) appears under payment fields.
  2. To compare the order element to a value, choose the comparison operator
    is greater than
    The following comparison operators are available:
    • is equal to
    • is not equal to
    • contains
    • does not contain
    • is greater than
    • is greater than or equal to
    • is less than
    • is less than or equal to
    • is present
    • is not present
    • starts with
    • does not start with
    • ends with
    • does not end with
    • REG EXP
    The available comparison operators vary according to the order element you choose. The comparison operator that you choose determines the comparison value options that appear.
    For example, the following table lists possible combinations of comparison operators and comparison values:
    Comparison Operators
    Possible Comparison Values
    Custom value, custom list, or custom field.The comparison value must match exactly part of a single or multiple order element. For example, email address domains, SKUs, and information codes in code.
    is equal to
    starts with
    ends with
    Custom value, decoded IP city, shipping city, custom list, or custom field.You can use these operators with order elements that can contain a list, such as those that are delimited by carets (^). Each element of a list is compared to each element of the comparison value. For example, you can compare fraud score customer list information, which can contain many information codes, to a custom list that you create.
    Use to obtain a yes or no answer about the presence of a specific value in the order data.
    Custom value or custom field. Regular Expressions are search patterns which can be used to find specific syntax in a string.
  3. Click
  4. In the
    Custom Value
    field, enter
    Custom Value is the only available option in this example. If you choose another comparison operator, a list of comparison values appear. To choose more than one comparison value from the list, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the values that you want. Custom fields and custom lists appear at the bottom of the menu.
    If the order element is merchant-specific velocity, the comparison values are all the order and product velocity rules you or the administrator created. If you choose a list, the custom rule evaluates orders against all items in the list.
    If the order element is time to departure, you can evaluate orders with flights that depart in the future by entering a maximum of 9999 hours (equivalent to 416.625 days) and 45 minutes with the appropriate operator for your rule. The Business Center automatically calculates the time interval between the current time and the customer's future time of departure. For past departure times, the rule is automatically triggered.
  5. Choose a currency.
  6. Choose whether to use this rule for orders in all currencies or only for those in the currency that you chose. Orders in currencies other than the chosen currency are converted to your chosen currency.
  7. Click
    . If you want to add an additional condition, click
    Add New Condition
  8. Click
    . If you want to add an additional condition, click
    Add New Condition