HTTPS with Non-Java Clients

The following instructions will help you to transition your payment system to send and receive HTTPS SO API transmissions.

Enable SCMP to SO Conversions For Non-Java Clients

This method allows users with an SCMP payment system to maintain the SCMP system while using the SO endpoint. The SCMP payloads are converted into an Simple Order payload and sent to the associated Simple Order endpoint. When the Simple Order payload is returned, the payload is then converted back into SCMP for processing by the system. The image below outlines the message path:
An example program for C++, .NET, and PHP are available on GitHub: GitHub Sample Code


There are no prerequisites for this work.

Establish the Simple Order Payload Conversion

  1. Add the SCMP sample client program to your payment system. These files can be found in the GitHub resource referenced above.
  2. Update the
    file. The following list is of values must be updated:
    • merchantID
      : Set this to your production merchant ID used for commerce.
    • keysDirectory
      : The file path to the P12 certificate generated previously.
    • password
      : The P12 certificate password.
    • keyAlias
      : The name of your MID.
    Other values may be set at your discretion. Use the comments within the file to determine which values you wish to change.
  3. After the SCMP payment software creates a request payload, run the
    method found in the
    file against that payload.
    This method converts the SCMP payload into an Simple Order payload and forwards the Simple Order payload to the correct Simple Order endpoint. When the Simple Order reply payload is received, the method will then convert the payload back into an SCMP payload for normal processing within the system.