AVS Codes
The AVS code is returned in the following field in the authorization response message:
- REST API:processorInformation.avs.code
- SCMP API:auth_auth_avs
- Simple Order API:ccAuthReply_avsCode
AVS Codes for Cielo 3.0 and Cybersource Latin American Processing
3.0 and Cybersource Latin American Processing
Cybersource Latin American Processing
supports. In the Cybersource
API documentation, Cybersource Latin American Processing
Important Note About AVS Codes for
CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas) is required only for
Redecard in Brazil. Cielo
3.0 and Cybersource Latin American Processing
:Code | Description |
D | Partial match: postal code and address match. |
E | Not supported: AVS is not supported for this card
type. or Invalid: the acquirer returned an unrecognized
value for the AVS response. |
F | Partial match: postal code matches, but CPF and
address do not match. |
G | Not supported: AVS not supported or not
verified. |
I | No match: AVS information is not available. |
K | Partial match: CPF matches, but postal code and
address do not match. |
L | Partial match: postal code and CPF match, but
address does not match. |
N | No match: postal code, CPF, and address do not
match. |
O | Partial match: CPF and address match, but postal
code does not match. |
R | Not supported: your implementation does not support
AVS. or System unavailable. |
T | Partial match: address matches, but postal code and
CPF do not match. |
V | Match: postal code, CPF, and address match. |
AVS Codes for Visa Platform Connect
Visa Platform Connect
When you populate billing street address 1 and
billing street address 2, concatenates the two values. If the
concatenated value exceeds 40 characters, truncates the value at 40
characters before sending it to
Visa Platform Connect
Visa Platform Connect
and the issuing bank. Truncating this value affects AVS
results and therefore might also affect risk decisions and chargebacks.Type of Codes | Codes | Description |
American Express Card Codes | -- | The American Express AVS codes
are converted to Visa AVS codes before they are returned to you. As a result, you
will not receive American Express AVS codes for the American Express card
type. |
Domestic Visa Codes | A, N, R, U, Y, Z | The alphabetic AVS codes is the Visa standard AVS codes. The standard AVS return
codes for other types of payment cards, including American Express cards, are
mapped to the Visa standard AVS codes. AVS is considered domestic when the bank
that issued the customer’s payment card is in the U.S. |
Code | Description |
A | Partial match: street address matches, but 5-digit and 9-digit postal codes do
not match. |
N | No match: street address and postal code do not match. |
R | System unavailable. |
U | System unavailable: address information unavailable for one of these reasons:
Y | Match: street address and 5-digit postal code match. |
Z | Partial match: street address does not match, but 5-digit postal code
matches. |
AVS Codes for Other Processors
Type of Codes | Codes | Description |
Codes for American Express Cards | F, H, K, L, O, T, V | For American Express cards only. For American
Express cards, you can receive Visa and Cybersource AVS codes in addition to the
American Express AVS codes. |
International Visa Codes | B, C, D, G, I, M, P | The international and domestic alphabetic AVS codes
are the Visa standard AVS codes. The standard AVS return codes for other types of
payment cards, including American Express cards, are mapped to the Visa standard
AVS codes. AVS is considered either domestic or international,
depending on the location of the bank that issued the customer’s payment card:
You should be prepared to handle domestic and
international AVS result codes:
Domestic Visa Codes | A, E, N, R, S, U, W, X, Y, Z | |
Cybersource Codes | 1, 2, 3, 4
| The numeric AVS codes are created by Cybersource
and are not standard Visa codes. These AVS codes can be returned for any card
type. |
Code | Description |
A | Partial match: street address matches, but five-digit and nine-digit postal codes
do not match. |
B | Partial match: street address matches, but postal code is not verified. Returned
only for Visa cards not issued in the US. |
C | No match: street address and postal code do not match. Returned only for Visa
cards not issued in the US. |
D & M | Match: street address and postal code match. Returned only for Visa cards not
issued in the US. |
E | Invalid: AVS data is invalid, or AVS is not allowed for this card type. |
F | Partial match: card member’s name does not match, but billing postal code
matches. |
G | Not supported: issuing bank outside the US does not support AVS. |
H | Partial match: card member’s name does not match, but street address and postal
code match. Returned only for the American Express card type. |
I | No match: address not verified. Returned only for Visa cards not issued in the US. |
K | Partial match: card member’s name matches, but billing address and billing postal
code do not match. Returned only for the American Express card type. |
L | Partial match: card member’s name and billing postal code match, but billing
address does not match. Returned only for the American Express card type. |
M | See the entry for D & M. |
N | No match: one of the following:
O | Partial match: card member’s name and billing address match, but billing postal
code does not match. Returned only for the American Express card type. |
P | Partial match: postal code matches, but street address not verified. Returned
only for Visa cards not issued in the US. |
R | System unavailable. |
S | Not supported: issuing bank in the US does not support AVS. |
T | Partial match: card member’s name does not match, but street address matches.
Returned only for the American Express card type. |
U | System unavailable: address information unavailable for one of these reasons:
V | Match: card member’s name, billing address, and billing postal code match.
Returned only for the American Express card type. |
W | Partial match: street address does not match, but nine-digit postal code
matches. |
X | Match: street address and nine-digit postal code match. |
Y | Match: street address and five-digit postal code match. |
Z | Partial match: street address does not match, but five-digit postal code
matches. |
1 | Not supported: one of the following:
2 | Unrecognized: the processor returned an unrecognized value for the AVS
response. |
3 | Match: address is confirmed. Returned only for PayPal Express Checkout. |
4 | No match: address is not confirmed. Returned only for PayPal Express
Checkout. |
5 | No match: no AVS code was returned by the processor. |
VISA Platform Connect: Specifications and Conditions for Resellers/Partners
The following are specifications and conditions that apply to a Reseller/Partner
enabling its merchants through
Cybersource for Visa Platform Connect
(“VPC”) processing
. Failure to meet any of the specifications and
conditions below is subject to the liability provisions and indemnification
obligations under Reseller/Partner’s contract with Visa/Cybersource.- Before boarding merchants for payment processing on a VPC acquirer’s connection, Reseller/Partner and the VPC acquirer must have a contract or other legal agreement that permits Reseller/Partner to enable its merchants to process payments with the acquirer through the dedicated VPC connection and/or traditional connection with such VPC acquirer.
- Reseller/Partner is responsible for boarding and enabling its merchants in accordance with the terms of the contract or other legal agreement with the relevant VPC acquirer.
- Reseller/Partner acknowledges and agrees that all considerations and fees associated with chargebacks, interchange downgrades, settlement issues, funding delays, and other processing related activities are strictly between Reseller and the relevant VPC acquirer.
- Reseller/Partner acknowledges and agrees that the relevant VPC acquirer is responsible for payment processing issues, including but not limited to, transaction declines by network/issuer, decline rates, and interchange qualification, as may be agreed to or outlined in the contract or other legal agreement between Reseller/Partner and such VPC acquirer.