Request Fields


If you are using TMS or Recurring Billing and you include a subscription ID in your request, many of the fields in the following table that are normally required for a debit or credit become optional. See Token Management Service , and Recurring Billing.

Table 12Request Fields

Field Name


Used By: Required (R)
or Optional (O)

Data Type & Length


City in the billing address.

ecAuthenticateService (R)

ecCreditService (R)1

ecDebitService (R)

TeleCheck: String (30)

All other processors:
String (50)


Name of the customer’s company.

ecDebitService (Optional for TeleCheck and Wells Fargo ACH. Not used for any other processor.)

TeleCheck: String (60)

Wells Fargo ACH:
String (40)


Company’s tax identifier.


Contact your TeleCheck representative to find out whether this field is required or optional.

All Other Processors

Not used.

ecDebitService (See the field description.)

String with numbers only (9)


Country in the billing address. Use the two-character ISO Standard Country Codes.

ecAuthenticateService (R)

ecCreditService (R)1

ecDebitService (R)

String (2)


Date of birth of the customer.


ecAuthenticateService (Optional for RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Not used by any other processor.)

String (10)


Driver’s license number of the customer.


Contact your TeleCheck representative to find out whether this field is required or optional.

If you include this field in your request, you must also include billTo_driversLicenseState.

All Other Processors

Not used.

ecDebitService (See the field description.)

String (30)


State or province where the customer’s driver’s license was issued. Use the two-character State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada.


Contact your TeleCheck representative to find out whether this field is required or optional.

All Other Processors

Not used.

ecDebitService (See the field description.)

String (2)


Customer’s email address, including the full domain name.

Format: name@host.domain

ecCreditService (R)1

ecDebitService (R)

String (255)


Customer’s first name. If the first name is unavailable or inapplicable, such as for a corporate account, enter a dummy value such as NA.

ecAuthenticateService (R)

ecCreditService (R)1

ecDebitService (R)

String (50)

All other processors:
String (60)


IP address for the customer.


For debits:

Chase Paymentech Solutions



It is recommended that you use this field when check_secCode is WEB.

All Other Processors

Not used.

ecCreditService (O)

ecDebitService (See the field description.)

String (15)


Customer’s last name. If the transaction is for a corporate account, use this field for the company name.

ecAuthenticateService (R)

ecCreditService (R)1

ecDebitService (R)

String (50)

All other processors:
String (60)


Customer’s phone number.

Format for TeleCheck: NNNNNNNNNN

ecCreditService (Required for RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Optional for all other processors.)

ecDebitService (Required for Cybersource ACH Service and TeleCheck. Not used by any other processor.)

TeleCheck: String (10)

All other processors: String (15)


Postal code for the billing address. The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits.

When the billing country is the U.S., the 9-digit postal code must follow this format:
[5 digits][dash][4 digits]

Example  12345-6789

ecAuthenticateService (R)

ecCreditService (R)1

ecDebitService (R)

RBS WorldPay Atlanta:
String (5)

All other processors:
String (10)


State in the billing address. Use the two-character State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada.

ecAuthenticateService (R)

ecCreditService (R)1

ecDebitService (R)

String (2)


First line of the billing street address.

ecAuthenticateService (R)

ecCreditService (R)1

ecDebitService (R)

TeleCheck: String (50)

All other processors:
String (60)


Second line of the billing street address. Used for additional address information.

    Attention: Accounts Payable

ecCreditService (For RBS WorldPay Atlanta: required for stand-alone credits, optional for follow-on credits. Optional for all other processors.)

ecDebitService (Not used by RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Optional for all other processors.)

String (50)

All other processors:
String (60)


List of AVS flags that cause the request to be declined for AVS reasons. Use a space to separate the flags in the list.

Important  Make sure that you include the value N in the list if you want to receive declines for the AVS code N.

ecDebitService (Optional for Chase Paymentech Solutions. Not used for any other processor.)

String (255)


Account number.

ecCreditService (R)1

ecDebitService (R)

String with numbers only (17)


Account type. Possible values:

nC: Checking.

nG: General ledger. This value is supported only on Wells Fargo ACH.

nS: Savings.

nX: Corporate checking.

ecCreditService (R)1

ecDebitService (R)

String (1)


Authentication ID of the check. If this field is submitted, the value must be numeric or an error is returned.


(Optional for RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Not used for any other processors.)

String (32)


Bank routing number. This is also called the transit number.

ecCreditService (R)1

ecDebitService (R)

String with numbers only (9)


Check number.

Chase Paymentech Solutions


Cybersource ACH Service

Not used.

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

Optional on debits. Required on credits.


Strongly recommended on debit requests. Optional on credits.

ecCreditService (See the field description.)

ecDebitService (See the field description.)

String with numbers only (8)


Image reference number associated with the check. You cannot include any special characters.

Used only by Paymentech for ARC and POP SEC codes.

String (32)


Additional payment information on the customer’s statement.

ecCreditService (Required for RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Not used for any other processors.)

String (80)


Authorization method used for the transaction. See SEC Codes.


Accepts only the following values:






Required for TeleCheck, RBS WorldPay Atlanta, and Wells Fargo ACH. Optional for all other processors.

String (3)


City in which the terminal is located. If more than four alphanumeric characters are submitted, the transaction will be declined. You cannot include any special characters.



Optional but strongly recommended if your processor is Paymentech and you include check_secCode with a value of POP.

String (4)


State in which the terminal is located. If more than two alphanumeric characters are submitted, the transaction will be declined. You cannot include any special characters.



Optional but strongly recommended if your processor is Paymentech and you include check_secCode with a value of POP.

String (2)


Set this field to true to include ecAuthenticateService in your request.

ecAuthenticateService (R)

String (5)


Merchant-generated order number or transaction identifier.

ecAuthenticateService (Optional for RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Not used by any other processor.)

String (100)


Type of transaction. Possible values:

ninternet (default): e-commerce order placed using a Web site.

nmoto: Mail order or telephone order.

nrecurring: Recurring transaction.

Chase Paymentech Solutions

Not used.

Cybersource ACH Services


RBS WorldPay Atlanta

Required for stand-alone credits. Optional for follow-on credits.



ecCreditService (See the field description.)

String (13)


The request ID for the debit that is being credited. Used only for multiple partial credits. See Follow-On Credits and Stand-Alone Credits.

ecCreditService (Required for follow-on credits. Not used for stand-alone credits.)

String (26)


Effective date for the transaction. The effective date must be within 45 days of the current day. If you do not include this value, Cybersource sets the effective date to the next business day.


Supported only for the Cybersource ACH Service.

ecCreditService (O)

String (8)


Identifier for a partial credit. The value for each credit request must be unique within the scope of the order. See Multiple Partial Credits.

ecCreditService (Optional for RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Not used for any other processor.)

String (25)


Check reference number. Identifier used for tracking a request through to the payment processor for reconciliation.

If you do not provide this value, Cybersource generates a unique value and returns it to you in the ecCreditReply_reconciliationID field.

For more information about tracking orders, see Order Tracking, and Getting Started with CyberSource Essentials.


Bank of America ACH: Optional.

Chase Paymentech Solutions: Optional.

RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Required for stand-alone credits. Optional for follow-on credits.

TeleCheck: Required for stand-alone credits. Optional for follow-on credits.

Wells Fargo ACH: Cybersource generates a unique transaction identifier.

ecCreditService (See the field description.)

TeleCheck: String (50)

All other processors:
String (60)


Set this field to true to include ecCreditService in your request.

ecCreditService (R)

String (5)


Method used for settlement. Possible values:

nA: Automated Clearing House (default for credits).

nF: Facsimile draft.

nB: Best possible (default if the field has not already been configured for your merchant ID).

See Settlement Delivery Methods.

ecCreditService (Optional for Chase Paymentech Solutions and RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Not used for any other processor.)

String (1)


Type of transaction. Possible values:

ninternet (default): e-commerce order placed using a web site.

nmoto: Mail order or telephone order.

nrecurring: Recurring transaction.

ecDebitService (Not used for Chase Paymentech Solutions. Optional for all other processors.)

String (13)


The request ID for debit requests. See Deferred and Partial Payments.

Use for deferred and partial payments.

ecDebitService (Supported only for Chase Paymentech Solutions and TeleCheck.)

String (26)


Effective date for the transaction. The effective date must be within 45 days of the current day. If you do not include this value, Cybersource sets the effective date to the next business day.


Supported only for the Cybersource ACH Service.

ecDebitService (O)

String (8)


Identifier for a partial payment. The value for each debit request must be unique within the scope of the order. See Multiple Partial Credits.

ecDebitService (Optional for RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Not used by any other processor.)

String (25)


Payment related information. This information is included on the customer’s statement.

ecDebitService (Required for RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Not used by any other processor.)

numeric (80)


Flag that indicates whether to process the payment. Use with deferred payments. See Deferred and Partial Payments. Possible values:

n0: Standard debit with immediate payment (default).

n1: Indicates that this is a deferred payment and that you will send a debit request with ecDebitService_paymentMode=2 in the future.

n2: Indicates notification to initiate payment.

Chase Paymentech Solutions and TeleCheck

Use for deferred and partial payments.

Cybersource ACH Service

Not used.

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

Not used.

ecDebitService (See the field description.)

Integer (1)


Check reference number. Identifier used for tracking a request through to the payment processor for reconciliation.

If you do not provide this value, Cybersource generates a unique value and returns it to you in the ecDebitReply_reconciliationID field.

For more information about tracking orders, see Order Tracking, and Getting Started with CyberSource Essentials.


Bank of America ACH: Optional.

Chase Paymentech Solutions: Optional.

RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Optional.

TeleCheck: For deferred payments, set this field to the value you received in the ecDebitService_debitRequestID field in the reply message for the associated debit. See Deferred and Partial Payments.

Wells Fargo ACH: Cybersource generates a unique transaction identifier.

ecDebitService (See the field description.)

TeleCheck: String (50)

All other processors:
String (60)


Set this field to true to include ecDebitService in your request.

ecDebitService (R)

String (5)


Method used for settlement. Possible values:

nA: Automated Clearing House (default for credits).

nF: Facsimile draft.

nB: Best possible (default if the field has not already been configured for your merchant ID).

See Settlement Delivery Methods.

ecDebitService (Optional for Chase Paymentech Solutions. Not used by any other processor.)

String (1)


Level of fraud screening. Possible values:

n1: Validation—default if the field has not already been configured for your merchant ID.

n2: Verification.

For a description of this feature and a list of supported processors, see Verification and Validation.

ecDebitService (Optional for Chase Paymentech Solutions and TeleCheck. Not used by any other processor.)

Integer (1)


Merchant description that appears on the customer’s bank statement. This field overrides the corresponding value in your Cybersource account. If you do not include this field in the request, Cybersource uses the company name from your merchant account. For a description of this feature, a list of supported processors, and special formatting requirements, see Merchant Descriptors.

ecCreditService (O)

ecDebitService (O)

String (25)


Alternate information for your business. This API field overrides the company entry description value in your Cybersource account. This value might be displayed on the customer’s account statement.

When you do not include this value in your debit or credit request, Cybersource uses the company entry description from your Cybersource account.



(Optional for Wells Fargo ACH. Not used by any other processor.)

String with numbers, letters, and spaces only (10)


Type of product. This value is used to determine the category that the product is in: electronic, handling, physical, service, or shipping. The default value is default. See Product Codes for a list of valid values.

See Numbered Elements.

ecCreditService (O)

ecDebitService (Not used by RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Optional for any other processor.)

String (255)


Name of the product.

See Numbered Elements.

ecCreditService (O)

ecDebitService (Not used for RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Optional for all other processors.)

TeleCheck: String (20)

All other processors:
String (30)


Product’s identifier code.

See Numbered Elements.

ecCreditService (O)

ecDebitService (Not used for RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Optional for all other processor.)

String (255)


Quantity of the product being purchased. The default value is 1.

Required if item_#_productCode is not default or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling.

See Numbered Elements.

Not used by RBS WorldPay Atlanta.

ecCreditService (O)

ecDebitService (See the field description.)

Integer (10)


Total tax to apply to the product. This value cannot be negative. The tax amount and the unit price must be in the same currency.

The tax amount field is additive. The following example uses a two-exponent currency such as USD:

1You include the following items in your request:



2The total amount authorized is 32.40, not 30.00 with 2.40 of tax included.



See Numbered Elements.

ecCreditService (O)

ecDebitService (Not used for RBS WorldPay Atlanta. Optional for all other processors.)

String (15)


Per-item price of the product. This value cannot be negative. You can include a decimal point (.) in this field, but you cannot include any other special characters. The amount is truncated at the request level to the correct number of decimal places.

See Numbered Elements.

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

Not used.

All Other Processors

You must include either this field or purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount in your request.

ecCreditService (See the field description.)

ecDebitService (See the field description.)

String (15)


Value that links the current request to a previous transaction.

ecDebitService (O)

String (26)


Your merchant ID. Use the same merchant ID for evaluation, testing, and production.

Required for all services

String (30)


Merchant-generated order reference or tracking number. For more information about tracking orders, see Getting Started with CyberSource Essentials.

Required for all services.

String (50)


Currency used for the order. Possible value:

nUSD: U.S. dollars

ecCreditService (R)1

ecDebitService (R)

String (5)


Grand total for the order. For more information about using items or a grand total, see Getting Started with CyberSource Essentials.

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

Required for debits and credits.

All Other Processors

You must include either this field or item_#_unitPrice in your request for Cybersource ACH, Chase, and TeleCheck.

ecCreditService (See the field description.)

ecDebitService (See the field description.)

String (15)


If you are using TMS or Recurring Billing and you include this value in your request, many of the fields that are normally required for a debit or credit become optional. See Token Management Service , and Recurring Billing.

ecCreditService (O)1

ecDebitService (O)

String (26)


Set this field to true to include voidService in your request.

voidService (R)

String (5)


The request ID of the debit or credit that you want to void.

voidService (R)

String (26)

1   Required for RBS WorldPay Atlanta for both stand-alone and follow-on credits. Required only for stand-alone credits for all other processors.